"Do you supply or cut custom window mats"? We get asked this question, either by phone, email or in person, about once a week. Invariably, we have
to respond in the negative, no, we don't. But rather than leave it at that, while we're here, we thought we'd expand on it with a fuller reply. Whether or not a framing store elects to provide this service is worth exploring. Window mats are almost exclusively made to be used with picture frames which have a long history of being associated with human settlements and dwellings. The manufacture and supply of picture frames, frameworks, icons, paintings and other kindred images with which adorn human ...
Picture Frames, Picture Framing and Picture Framers' Blog
Welcome to our weblog about picture framers, picture frames and picture framing. It is published with the goal to share information, knowledge, tips, ideas and opinions about this industry. All posts are grouped in the sections listed below. For help with orders, visit our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.
How to cheaply replace broken glass in a picture frame
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames
This post on how to replace broken glass in a picture frame, was prompted by an innocent enough Customer remark on the cost of reglazing ( replacing old glass with new glass in a picture frame, whether broken or not ) a picture frame that someone had inadvertently stepped on. The remark was to the effect "Why does it cost so much to to get new glass put in a picture frame?" Now, the picture was about 50 x 50cms and the cost quoted was $37.74 which, by the way, we believe to be a fair and reasonable. Nonetheless the Customers persisted with his query in wanting to know the exact pricing formula. We didn't disclose it ...
10 picture frames to make you cry in happiness
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and framesWe venture to say that at least every household has some shadow box picture frames hung on
a wall that will make the beholder sniffle, if not cry, in a happy, emotional response. Typically the framed item might be a photograph, a note, a document or an object marking or commemorating a birth, a newborn wristband, cast of baby hands or feet, a christening, a school report or something and anything just as close or as dear to a family’s heart. This brings us to one inescapable truth of life, all children will eventually grow up, and become adults. And adults love their birthdays, just as much as children ...
Double your picture framing dollars with matted picture frames
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames We have noticed that many of our picture framing Customers are thrifty, frugal and quite astute. Now, you too can double your picture framing dollars with matted picture frames when coming
to our factory to buy our photo frames and picture frames and save money. Our customers seem to want more bang for their bucks, more picture frames for what they want to spend. This is why we would like to divulge a relatively unknown, and somewhat underused, shopping strategy , and one way to do this is to buy our matted frames ; instead of ...
Why you should not cheaply frame your own football jumper
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames
We thought we should write this post "Why you should not cheaply frame your own football jumper" because of the regular inquiries we receive from customers and sporting fans wanting to Do-Your-Own, football jumpers, soccer tops, cricket shirts framing, using cheap, ready-made, picture frames. Typically they tell us that they have a family football jumper they want quickly framed for a fast approaching birthday or looming event. Often they just don’t only want the jumper framed, they also want photos, tickets, scarves or what have you, combined and all framed together. They further explain that as their budget is a ...
How to cheaply stretch and frame your own counted cross stitch
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames
It has been our experience, and in particular during these last 20 years or so of custom picture framing, that Customers seem to be wanting to spend less and less for any kind of custom picture framing, hence this post "How to cheaply stretch and frame your own counted cross stitch" . We are finding that most people baulk at even moderate custom picture framing prices, wanting to spend as little as possible on custom picture frames, even less than what they used to, years ago. Why this is so is beyond the scope of this ...
How to sell your home faster, quicker and easier
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames
We have noticed an increasing number of customers coming to us with dated and aged, framed art which requires re-framing. During the framing consultations it often transpires that the customer is “doing the place up” as they are putting the property on the market. And just as often, advise and tips are exchanged on some of the helpful strategies to make a property more appealing, more inviting , and hence, quicker to attract bids. and sell. Below we list some of these useful approaches to make your home more appealing and inviting: 1.Re-frame your dated and so-yesterday picture frames, photo frames and ...
Six ways of reusing and recycling old photo frames and picture frames
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames
Who hasn’t some old, spare picture frame, poster frame or photo frame tucked away in the garage or spare bedroom? Hence our post "Six ways of reusing and recycling old photo frames and picture frames". The answer is, not many of us. According to US statistics, about 82% of us do just that, keep old house hold accessories and furniture for more than 2 years. Well then, let’s explore the many, different ways we can recycle or reuse all those picture frames for or towards more good use, with minimal work.
1. Make a Chalkboard. Take the existing ..
How do I frame and hang my stretcher-framed oil painting art?
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames
As the first question, does your painting need a picture frame at all? And no, this isn’t too strange a question to ask –nowadays. This is because many modern oil paintings, or art on canvas, are painted or printed directly on cheap strainer frames, and hence, our post "How do I frame and hang my stretcher-framed oil painting art?" The strainer frames, a cheaper version of stretcher frames, already have an inner frame made up of strainer bars. The four
Shoot, print and frame your Polaroid photos
Posted on Category: D.Y.O. photos and frames
Before digital cameras were invented, there were the analogue cameras. These had rolls of film which captured images and you later took to a photo store or lab to get developed and printed. A very few of these had the capability of developing and printing photos after waiting a few seconds. Polaroid was the most famous. If you’re a bit of retro freak or are simply curious about these contraptions, you can buy one cheaply enough on eBay or Amazon for under $50. With one of these you can instantly print a small size photo, 3”x3”, 3”x4”, 4”x6” and frame it in a small picture frame as a birthday ...