Displaying Sport Balls in Display Cases instead of Picture Frames

Below is information relating the display of sport balls inside clear acrylic display cases. While we have tried to be accurate, no liability is assumed for any errors herein. It is the responsibility of users to ensure the correctness of all information. For help with orders, see Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.

Why Display Sport Balls in Clear Acrylic Ball Displays Cases Rather Than Picture Frames

With regard to picture frames for balls, or ball display cases, quite a few Customers have asked us if there are any ready-made picture frames for sport or playing balls, such as footballs, soccer balls or basketballs, and if not, could we make them. The short answer to both of these questions has always been, no. To our knowledge, there are no readily available off-the-shelf picture frames, nor do we make any as custom, or as special-size, picture frames.

The reason why this is so relates to both practicality and expense. Firstly, it’s not practical to frame a large ball such as a basketball, or one as heavy as a bowling ball, in a traditional glass and timber picture frame. Secondly, such a custom frame would cost too much compared to the other cheaper and readily available alternatives we sell, such as our very popular and affordable range of ready-made, clear acrylic, ball display cases.

List of Sport Balls Sizes and Correct Acrylic Display Cases

We compiled this List because of the umpteen times Customers both rung and emailed us with the all too common question “Does your display case ABC suit my ball size XYZ?“.  The short and long of it is that, yes, all our cases fit their associated sport’s, legal adult size’s playing ball.

Please do note however that the cases are unlikely to suit special, irregular ball sizes such as, for instance, miniature, giant, or novely tennis balls which can be up to 10 times smaller, or larger, than official balls.

This List omits superfluous measurements. For instance, while there seems to be no official data on the overall linear lenght and width ( we had to physically measure one ) of the Australian Rules Football ball, there are plenty concerning its short and long circumferences, weight, etcetera.  Again, as this latter data is not germane to the ball fitting in the case, or not, we have omitted it.

AFL Football
(Size 5 Adult )
Ball Size
L x W in cms
 Ball Display Case
Case size
L x W x H in cms

28.5 x 18


33 x 19.8 x 20

* This ball is listed as having an official short circumference of 54 cms and a long circumference of 72 cms.

(Size 7 Adult )
Ball Size
L x W in cms
Ball Display Case
Case size
L x W x H in cms

24 x 24


25.8 x 25.8 x 27.3

* This ball is listed as having an official circumference of 75 cms.

Soccer Ball
(Size 5 Adult )
Ball Size
L x W in cms
Ball Display Case
Case size
L x W x H in cms

22 x 22


25.8 x 25.8 x 27.3

* This ball is listed as having an official circumference of 70 cms.

Rugby Ball
(Size 5 Adult )
Ball Size
L x W in cms
Ball Display Case
Case size
L x W x H in cms

28.5 x 18.6


33 x 19.8 x 20

* This ball is listed as having an official girth of 58.5 cms.

(Size 5 Adult )
Ball Size
L x W in cms
Ball Display Case
Case size
L x W x H in cms

22 x 22


25.8 x 25.8 x 27.3

* This ball is listed as having an official circumference of 70 cms.

(Size 5 Adult )
Ball Size
L x W in cms
Ball Display Case
Case size
L x W x H in cms

21.3 x 21.3


25.8 x 25.8 x 27.3

* This ball is listed as having an official circumference of 67 cms.

Bowling Ball
( Adult Weight )
Ball Size
L x W in cms
Ball Display Case
Case size
L x W x H in cms

21.83 x 21.83


33 x 19.8 x 20

* This ball is listed as having an official circumference of 68.58 cms.

About novelty, or jumbo balls and regular size sport balls

Occasionally Customers want to order our clear acrylic ball display cases thinking that our cases will suit all size balls, including, for instance, giant, jumbo or oversize novelty balls.  An example is shown in the image below where we can see 3 regular tennis balls and 1 giant, jumbo or oversize, novelty tennis ball.

Please be advised that our cases will only ever suit regular, official or regulation, adult size balls. In the case of tennis balls, our  tennis ball clear acrylic display case (SKU5040)  is suitable only for legal International Tennis Federation (ITF) balls with a diameter of between 6.54 to 6.86 cms.


And as you’ve reached the end of this page …

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