Workplace Giving Programme

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Workplace Giving Explained:

It is the practice whereby employers facilitate donations to charities, and other eligible gift recipient organizations, by making periodic,  before-tax, contributions when and as desired by their employees, otherwise known as a Workplace Giving Programme. These donations are then remitted or forwarded to the employee’s nominated charity, good cause or other benevolent, non-for-profit organization which in turn proffers sustainable and long-term aid and  support for needy individuals or  families. Workplace giving is a positive and enriching initiative partnering with charities and other goodwill entities. These organizations work together and co-operate  to help make Australia, and our world. a better place for all. Nearly 4 persons in 10 in our world are poor or live in near-poverty, that’s a staggering 40%. But our organization wishes or a future where poverty will be eradicated and no one will be poor. And this is why we have joined this Workplace Giving to charities, as a initiative for betterment and social changes in the liberation from the oppression of poverty. However, as with all beneficent organizations, such as charities, financial support is needed, hence the choice of employers assisting with workplace giving programmes. Many companies and businesses support Workplace Giving as supporting their social commitment to community interests. With workplace giving, employees are offered the opportunity to share the community values of their company supports and are can partake with positive contributions to their society and environment. Indeed there are many benefits for employers to embrace Workplace Giving. Some of these might be; to be seen as a good employer, to become more well-regarded, to engender a kinder and better workplace culture, to appeal to more potential, quality candidates and employees, to retain better and more valued employees longer,  to increase our communal morale and sense of participation, to increase support from our local community and customers and to add value to our corporate brand.

The Tax Benefits of Workplace Giving:

Employees’ In a Workplace Giving Programme, donations are deducted before tax, thus reducing Taxable Income. Employees making charitable donations by way of before-tax pay, receive the tax benefits as soon as the donations are made, rather than having to wait until the end of their financial year. For instance,  where an employee donates $20, it will only cost him or her $12.60, but the nominated charity will receive the full $20. These pre-tax deductions are for employees automatic tax deduction and they do not  need to keep receipts, records or and claim receipts. The Australian Tax Office (A.T.O.)  advises that there are no  minimum or maximum deductions or contribution amounts, however the total amount must be claimed via employees’ Tax Returns. The A.T.O. also advises that is no tax payable on the donations deducted from the employees’ pay, and no liabilities are created for the Fringe Benefits Tax. Employees simply let employers know much and how often they wish to contribute to the charity of their choice, the nominated amount is automatically deducted from their pay and remitted to the named charitable entity. All donations and financial records are independently scrutinized and audited by external, professional auditors.

How and What we Contribute:

Our organization, Eastleigh Frames, and its associated online picture frames and offline picture framing entities, launched its Workplace Giving Programme in 2002. The programme enables participating employees to have small, regular donation deducted from their pay or salary and forwarded to legitimate, Australian charities, registered with the A.T.O. and possessing a valid, ongoing, deductible gift recipient (DGR) status. An important feature of Workplace Giving is that it delivers outstanding financial benefits for charities. This is because the cost of raising funds can be as much as 85% with some charities. In other words, for every $100 raised, $85 might have been already spent on administration and fund raising expenses, thus leaving only about 15% or $15 for charity projects.  However with Workplace Giving, nearly 100% of all money received is going to the supported cause and can be spent on charity projects. Importantly, and so as to enhance the impact of Workplace Giving, we will match dollar-for-dollar the monthly amount of donations our employees donate.

Our Culture of Giving Back to the Community:

Our organization recognizes that our success is due wholly to and solely by the support of the community we work and trade in. We are desirous of giving back, in some way, the benefits the community gave us, hence our culture of giving. To help others less fortunate than us, or in need and helping communities to thrive has become part of our  enterprise business credo. For many years we have fostered and engendered this communal belief, shared by management and employees, as we all seek to make a positive effect for others and to grown and nurture the well-being of our business.

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