Picture Framing, Picture Frames and Window Mat Sizes Work Calculator

Use this Calculator to work out the spacings and heights of pictures to be hung on walls. Enter the size of the frames and click 'Calculate' to see the results. Users should double check for themselves the correctness of all information herein. For any help with orders, see our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.

Picture Framing Work Calculator Introduction, Purpose and Instructions.

It is often difficult and time-consuming for younger picture framers and Do-It-Yourself handymen to work out the exact cutting sizes of a picture frame and an accompanying window mat. Picture framing requires precision to the millimetre and this can contribute to work execution difficulties. Without correct measurements and exact sizes, both picture frames and window mats may be cut incorrectly. In particular, the inside, or inner size of a window mat needs to be quite accurate. A few millimitres too much and the mat will have to be discarded and a new one cut. To this end, the Calculator has inbuilt functions which will add sufficient decremental clearance to a window mat and incremental clearance to a picture frame moulding being cut.  To use it correctly, please follow the enumerated steps below, and then view the results and correct cutting sizes in the Calculator Results Table below.

Step 1  Enter the Picture Width and the Picture Height in the fields below in millimitres (mm)
Step 2  Enter the window mat's Top, Right, Bottom, Left sides width sizes in millimitres (mm)
Step 3  Click 'Calculate' for the picture frame and window mat size to be calculated


Calculator Results Table
    Height Width UoM
* You can cut the outside of the window mat to these sizes: mm
You can cut the inside of the window mat to these adjusted sizes: mm
You can leave the rebate clearance size to 3mm, or change it: mm
§ You can cut the picture frame moulding to these adjusted sizes: mm
You can cut the backing and the glazing these sizes: mm
? You can leave the number of frames to 1, or increase it:   each
You will need so many metres of moulding for the frame(s) above: metres
Calculator Results Legend Explanations
* The Calculator adds the supplied image, or art, and window mat dimensions and calculates the correct, overall or finished, outer height and width window mat sizes in millimitres.
The Calculator adds the supplied image, or art, and window mat dimensions and calculates the correct, overall or finished, inner height and width window mat sizes in millimitres. It also automatically subtratcts 5mm x side from the theoretical opening size. This has the effect of making the window a little smaller on all sides than the actual art size. If this were not done the image would fall out of the hole that was cut.
The Calculator is preset to add a 3mm clearance to both width and height of the picture frame being cut.  This size can be decreased or increased to suit. Leaving the size at  around 3mm makes the picture frame a little larger than the art or window mat being framed . This clearance makes the assembly process much easier when fitting up picture frames.
§ The Calculator adds the supplied image, or art, and window mat dimensions and calculates the correct, overall or finished moulding cutting sizes in millimitres. It also automatically adds a 3mm clearance all round. If this were not done the image, or art, would need to be forced or jammed into the frame.
? You can leave the Calculator to compute all data and measurements for 1 single frame, or multiple frames simply by clickimg the + (plus) or – (minus) operators.
The Calculator automatically computes all received data for 1 frame. If cutting multiple, or more than 1 frame, simply enter  the required number in the field. The Calculator will re-calculate once the 'Calculate' button is clicked.
The Calculator computes all received data and calculates the correct, overall or finished moulding cutting sizes in metres for 1 frame plus a 10% wastage allowance. If cutting multiple, or more than 1 frame, simply enter the  required number of frames in the field. The Calculator will re-calculate once the 'Calculate' button is clicked.
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