Making Picture Frames with Sustainable Picture Framing Practices

Below we have outlined our sustainability visions and goals. While we have endeavoured to be as accurate as possible no liability is assumed for any errors herein. It is the responsibility of users to ensure the correctness of all information. For any help with orders, see our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.

Our vision and mission in picture framing sustainability

Scientists forecast that our global climate will continue to change this century, the next and perhaps beyond. The extent and magnitude of this change depend largely on the heat-trapping gases emitted worldwide.

Rising green-sustainable-globe-picture-framing temperatures, ozone depletion levels, polar ice caps melts and greenhouse gas emissions, to name a but a few, adverse environmental effects, demand our international and communal efforts to reverse these changes.

Our enterprise, management and staff, want to participate in a culture of sustainability, engendering wholesome, beneficial and positive attitudes for all the people in our world towards the planet we live in. We strive to discover and adopt new and old manners and methods of recycling, converting, recovering and salvaging.

Our goal is to become a ‘greener’ business with a zero-waste, or a ‘no-landfill’ manufacturing enterprise. We have adopted a strategy which consists of the adoption of a three-pronged approach, to achieve a greener footprint.

These three green avenues are: Sustainable Sourcing, Sustainable Consumption and Sustainable Wastage. We hope that you, the Customers, in buying our picture frames, will also want to join us and share our desire for a cleaner, greener environment and better environment.

Our first green pathway: Sustainable Sourcing

Our policy and ongoing commitment are to refuse buying any timber moulding materials for picture frames, photo frames or any other wood products which we know, or suspect, that were, or may have been sourced from endangered tree species or forests protected by  sustainable-plantation-grown-picture-framing-timber conservation regulations or overlays in Australia or anywhere else in the world.

Whenever and wherever possible we always endeavour to source eco-friendly wood, timber and other materials. This includes the purchasing of recycled, finger-jointed wood mouldings in preference to non-eco-responsible, whole-wood or virgin wood mouldings.

Our first preference is to source all timber and wood products from sustainable, Australian, pinus-radiata trees which are plantation-grown from rotation crops and re-planted again after felling.

Our stuffing and packaging materials used in the packing and dispatch of Customers’ orders are almost entirely from recycled industrial, waste  cardboard.

The majority of our office, administration and factory stationery, including photocopy paper,  is  sourced from a supplier who sources the products from as much as 60% recycled paper pulp. Lastly, we are currently trialling Euclove, an environmentally friendly, natural  cleaning product for our amenities.

Our second green pathway: Sustainable Consumption

The largest carbon footprint we emitted in our enterprise was generated by the lighting of our older-style business and factory premises with hundreds of 40-year old, incandescent, ballasted, fluorescent sustainable-lighting-for-picture-framing-manufacturing tubes. We don’t know what the carbon emission was but we do know that old technology is inefficient, polluting and costly.

We then became aware of the Victorian Government, environmentally friendly business scheme V.E.E.T. which promotes affordable lighting upgrade for higher and better energy efficiency. The scheme helps businesses to reduce global carbon emission by encouraging reduction in energy use.

Each tonne of lifetime carbon reduced through energy efficiency improvements is equal to one Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificate (VEEC). We thus changed all our lighting to ballast-less, instant-on, no-flicker, no-buzz, 100% IEC requirements compliant, T8 LED (a more efficient type of fluorescent) luminaire fittings.

This electrical lighting changeover halved our electricity consumption and its ensuing CO2 carbon emission. Incidentally, the upgrade also improved the quality of lighting for our staff  and employees. We undertook this change because we believe in the potential of corporate example in being a positive, uplifting force working not against, but in harmony with our planet.

Our third green pathway: Sustainable Wastage

We promote and practise environmentally friendly, waste removal practices by disposing of the majority our waste via disparate, but dedicated, recycling channels. Most of our timber and moulding off-cuts are given away for free to a local  sustainable-waste-materials-recycling-in-picture-frames-manufacturing timber workshop to be reused into miniature-size, toy picture frames.

The scrap glass goes given to a glass recycler and gets ground for ashphalt chips or recycled for industrial glass-ware. A lot of our paper waste goes to a pulp recycler to be re-used as second-hand cardboard.

All our disused or obsolete printers, computers and monitors are donated to dedicated, environmental recyclers for reconditioning or for an ultimate, responsible disposal.  About two thirds of our unused matboard, scraps and offcuts are big enough to be given to kindergartens, schools, community art programs and non-profit bodies.

Each organization utilizes the materials we give them by distributing these to children or students, so that they may draw, paint and create various expressions of visual art or creative artwork. As much as possible we try to have waste materials recycled so that these be manufactured into products.

This is a keystone concept in modern waste minimization practice which seeks to reduce global emissions by eliminating harmful waste management practices impacting on the environment.

And seeing as you’ve arrived here …

Our photo frames, picture frames, frameless clip frames, football display cases, basketball display cases, and other product ranges can be found online by making Google , or Bing searches. For custom picture frames and custom picture framing price quotations, please use our free, easy and fast Prices Estimator.

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