Art Deco, Vintage and Decorative Mirrors

Superbly crafted, hand-fashioned, Australian-made, Art Deco style, multi-bevelled mirrors for homes, mantelpieces, vestibules, lobbies, hallways, bathrooms, bedrooms, businesses, corporations, hotels, officesand boardrooms. We proudly offer a selected range of several, stunning American, English and European designs to enhance your living, leisure or working environment.  A special, heavy coating is adhered to the back of all mirrors to protect the silver, and especially the edges, from oxidation and degradation from moisture or household cleaners. A mirror is always supplied fitted with a robust, nickel-plated,  chain for wall hanging.  If instead  a mirror is to be affixed or attached to a wall,  then one will not be required. The mirrors are delivered by specialist carriers in sturdily-built, Craftwood containers and transport damage is exceedingly rare. The shipping cost also includes tranposrt insurance. PLEASE NOTE: These mirrors are custom-made to order here in Melbourne only once after orders are received and processed. When placing an order, please do consider that these are not imported, mass-manufactured products, but specially-crafted pieces, slowly manufactured and carefully assembled locally by hand by craftsmen, a process which takes patience and time. Orders may take from 3 to 12 weeks to complete, depending on  the style chosen and backlog of existing orders.  These are unique products with no interstate outlets or distributors. We regret we cannot provide free samples or price quotes for made-to-order mirrors.

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We regret we do not make or supply custom-size, made-to-order, or special size mirrors

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