Our Policies on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

PictureFrame.com.au has adopted social and industrial Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies. Our organization actively practises these collaborative and egalitarian initiatives so as to contribute towards a more just and equitable society For any help with orders, see our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.

The Framework on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion :

Our picture framing manufacturing and retail sale picture frames enterprise is a long-established, responsible business, aware of and desirous to thoroughly comply with our legal responsibilities and obligations under several Australian commonwealth and federal legislation including the Anti Discrimination Act 1977, the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Age Discrimination Act 2004. In addition there are State laws and statuses including the Australian Capital Territory Discrimination Act 1991, the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act 1996, the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, the South Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984, the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act 1998, the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010 and the Western Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984. In the main, the above laws and statutes, oblige employers to safeguard and protect any employees’ age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status from any discrimination whatsoever.Thus, every workplace, including all of our picture framing establishments and picture framers’ stores, ought to have Management enforcing anti-discrimination, equality and diversity policies for every area under their management and control, during the entire period of their employment.

Our Belief and Commitment to the Above Goals:

Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion for all our staff and employees is practised in all areas of our picture framing enterprise with an enhanced focus in the sensitive areas of hiring, recruitment, training and remuneration.e foundation of this commitment is the belief and practice that every person is to be afforded equal reception and treatment so as to allow them to fulfil their goals and aspirations. We therefore do, and will, believe, support and stand behind any person in our organization to combat any and all discrimination, bigotry, racism,  injustice, inequity, unfairness, exclusion or bullying of any kind.Our policies apply not merely to wages, remunerations and benefits but also to requests for parental leave, abusive relationship leave, mental health leave, bullying leave, sick leave, redundancies, applications for variable work hours, promotion, training, further education, technical workshops, picture framing conventions and any career opportunities as and when these occur within organization. To that end, we work tirelessly to ensure that all of us engender a positive and supportive environment for all of our staff, customers and suppliers. Protecting employees from being discriminated against because of one or more of the protected characteristics that apply to them. In particular we are proud of our multi-cultural and diverse workforce, we seek to provide equal opportunity for all regardless of who their characteristics, or who they are, where they come from of what they practise or believe in,

Our  Employees’ Care and Protection Mechanisms:

We also pro-actively respond to fluid demographics, changing circumstances and production phases such as being flexible with working hours so as to maintaining a good working relationships with valued employees who may changing needs or family commitments.  Our employees are our greatest asset, they deserve respect, tolerance, compassion, fairness and we seek to accommodate their needs wherever and whenever possible. With the twin goal of eliminating illegal discrimination and monitoring and policing our policy, verbal cautions, written warnings, disciplinary actions and summary dismissals, if and when deemed necessary, are the range of measures available to us against anyone breaching or transgressing our policies.Our corporate commitment involves training all staff, employees and managers educating them as to their responsibilities and obligations under our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies.These employment obligations oblige all staff to exhibit and maintain a corporate conduct conducive to an equal opportunity environment inimical to discrimination, bullying, victimization or marginalization. All employees, regardless of seniority, title, rank or salary level, are made aware that they themselves, as well we their employer, may be deemed liable and prosecuted for civil or criminal breaches of any applicable Federal and State laws. Instances of verbal or physical abuse, bullying of any kind, harassment of all types, victimisation and unlawful discrimination of any sort, while in our employ, against other employees, or customers, or suppliers or the general public will not be tolerated.These multi-faceted courses of action transcend corporate self-interest, and are in the best interest of everyone in our employ and it will assist us in making our enterprise a diverse, enriching and multi-skilled workplace.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Vision Summarized:

Thus our vision is for our picture framing organization is to be justly representative of all tiers of society and socio-economic cohorts so that each and every picture framer employee may feel valued, appreciated, respected and therefore willing and able to proffer his or her best work interaction and performance. In addition to the above measures, we publicize our recruitment application outcomes in-house so as enhance fairness and transparency and help avoid favouritism or diversity or equality complaints. Further, we regularly review the mix and make-up of our staff and picture framers with regard to their stated ethnicity and age, disclosed gender, professed religion or declared belief and disability. Should we perceive a shortfall or lack of representation in any sector we may encourage our Human Relations managers to facilitate hiring in the under-represented sectors.This managerial guidance seeks to harmonize and maximize our corporate visions of social, as well as industrial equality and diversity goals. Our progressive Human Relations Department is proud to offer positive initiatives such as mentoring, training, sponsorships and work experience participation to work applicants from diverse, marginalized and disadvantaged backgrounds who seek to expand their full potential and co-operative work skills.

And seeing as you’ve reached the end of this page …

Our photo frames, picture frames, frameless clip frames, football display cases, basketball display cases, and other product ranges can be found online by making Google , or Bing searches. For custom picture frames and custom picture framing price quotations, please use our free, easy and fast Prices Estimator.

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