Online Store Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below is a list of frequent Customers questions with our answers. We have categorized these under relevant and convenient topic headers. The FAQs categories are grouped in logical sequence, e.g., product info, ordering, payments, etc.,. For any help with orders, see our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.
PRODUCTS HELP & FAQs .. about products’ sizes, colours, quantities, materials, glazing, etc ..
This is because the plastic glass is covered by thin, white or off-white, protective film which protects the plastic glass from being scratched during shipping. You just have to take it or peel it off in order to see the sharp, clean, crystal-clear plastic glass underneath.
Yes. However and since there are no Ready-Made or off-the-shelf picture frames, we would do this by making custom picture frames . Please note that making custom picture frames locally, as against importing Ready-Mades frames from Asia is generally more expensive. To get an estimate of custom picture framing price you can use our Custom Picture Frames and Picture Framing Prices Estimator
No. Our Online Store is current and updated regularly. If we have any * Seconds * picture frames or products available at all, these are always clearly shown in the Online Store’s product categories.
Yes. Customarily, when picture frames frames, photo frames or certificate frames are advertised, labelled or sold as A4, or A3, that’s the size that of the paper that these will hold and can be placed inside. In this case, and A4 frame will suitably accept an A4 (21×29.7cms) paper and an A3 (29.7x42cms) paper, picture or document. This is generally true for the selling of all picture frames, not just A4 and A3 sizes. Importantly, these size have no relation to the actual outsize size of picture frames and external sizes are rarely, if ever, displayed or advertised. Doing so would just confuse most customers
Very easily. Our ball display cases are are made up of two parts, a lower, black plastic base and an upper, clear plastic, see-through case. When you first get the display case, all you have to is lift it off the base with your hands a place the football, basketball, soccerball or netball on top of the black base. You then put back the case back from where you took it off and that’s it. The ball will stay inside the case without moving or rolling around because the base has a recess or hole for the ball to sit into.
Traditionally, clip frames have always been made so as to hang by one of the slots at the back of one of the Swiss Clips holding the clip frame together. Clip frames are generally light. Hanging one by hanging it onto a nail head this way has always been deemed sufficient. However some customers have asked us for extra or additional saw-tooth hangers staked at the back of the clip frame. We think that this would be a desirable product feature for all clip frames and as the current stock is sold out, the new stock will have these extra hangers. Please note that the online items photos and description do not show saw-tooth hangers and we are including these at no extra cost if, when and where these are available.
The English or Imperial photographic and picture framing sizes of 5″x7″, 6″x8″, 8″x10″, 11″x14″ etc, have been used in these industries for over a hundred years. Australia metricated in the early 1970’s and now uses the I.S.0. (centimetres, metres, etc) length standards but the old Imperial sizes are still used by many retailers to facilitate product size recognition, particularly with older users and customers. However these older sizes are now nominal only. The actual sizes are in centimetres. This is why our photo frames and clip frames are described as: 5″x7″ (suits 13x18cms paper), 6″x8″ (suits 15x20cms paper), 8″x10″ (suits 20x25cms paper) and 11″x14″ (suits 28x35cms paper). Therefore an 11″x14″ photo or clip frame will have a nominal size of 11″x14″ and will suit a 28x35cms paper size. Please note this if you are ordering our photo frames or clip frames to suit or match existing artwork, if in doubt, contact us.
No. If the clip frame size you want isn’t on our Store Catalogue or Product Category then we don’t stock or sell that item. We do try to stock the most common or popular sizes but some sizes are just impractical. The A0 size for instance, is just too big for a clip frame construction. A clip frame of this size would end up warping or bending, making it look unattractive and difficult to hang and remain straight on a wall.
No. If the display cases size you want isn’t on our Store Catalogue or Product Category then we don’t stock, sell it or custom-make it. We do try to stock the most common or ball display sizes but all are fully imported. Basically, Australian-produced display cases are much more expensive than Asian-produced ones and cannot compete in a modern, online pricing environment. You may however Google search for custom-made display cases as we believe that there are there are still some specialized acrylic display manufacturers who manufacture custom display cases.
No. We have a computerized mat-cutting machine which can require up to half an hour to set up and test each new cutting template. Charging customers machine or template set up fees just isn’t possible and so cutting one-off or custom mats isn’t a commercially viable service. Incidentally, many picture framers eschew this particular service but do keep ringing around and see how you go. Naturally we will cut mats for all our custom picture frames, photo frames, certificate frames, ready-made frames and for any frame we make or sell but we will not supply or cut single, one-of or custom mats only.
No. Pretty much everything we do or sell is on our website because that’s how and where we make our sales. It follows that if you couldn’t find want you wanted on our site, whether this be materials, supplies, services, or specific picture frames, then we can’t help you, sorry.
No. If the Shadow Box Frame isn’t on our Store Catalogue or Product Category then we don’t stock or sell that item. We do try to stock the most common or popular sizes but do not make or construct special sizes, one-offs, or custom sizes. Australian-made picture frames can be more than 10 or 20 times the cost of imported frames. As a result, most locally made picture frames cannot be viably sold online because unable to compete with other, far cheaper products.
The inside, where the glass fits, always. That is an industry-wide convention pretty much the same throughout the world. If your art, be that a photo, a document or print, is 11″x14″, then you buy an 11″x”14 picture frame or photo frame. It’s that simple. Picture framers rarely if ever advertise the outside size of frames because all customers want to know is the inside size, where they can put their artwork. However, if your 11″x14″ art has a window mat around it, then don’t buy an 11″x”14 frame. You would need to measure the outsize size of the mat and try to buy a frame for that. If in doubt contact the picture framer or picture frames store.
The clip frames will accept thicknesses of up to 2mm. Matted art, that is a photo, print or document, that has a standard thickness (1-1.2mm) window mat may be inserted inside the clip frame. The metal clips holding the clip frame together are called ‘Swiss Clips’. Each has an inner, holding, spring leg that is flexible enough to bend and accept window mats.
Sorry, no. We have neither the qualified engravers nor the engraving machinery. However we have noticed that many of the larger shopping centres seem to have have shoe-repairs-with-key-cutting stalls or booths which often are able to offer quick engraving services.
PRICES HELP & FAQs … about wholesale, credit accounts, discounts, price quotes, etc ..
Sorry, no. We do not wholesale, sell on account, or on credit or at trade terms. However we do sell some of our most popular picture frames and other products at cheaper prices when these are bought in certain quantities. To find this out, first find the product you’re interested in then click the “details” text link to go to the product information page. If the page shows any Discounts prices then those will be the applicable prices . If no Discounts prices are shown then the listed price will apply. Please note that we will not sell at prices other than those listed and there is no need to contact us for cheaper prices .
Sorry, no. We do not sell by Price Quotations. Our prices and quantity discounts are clearly listed at our online store. Customers can browse for products, check prices and place orders directly. Price Quotations, ProForma Invoices, Fax Orders, Telephone Orders and Purchase Orders are redundant and obsolete ordering procedures. Ordering online is faster, more accurate, accountable, transparent and efficient. It also reduces unnecessary administrative procedures, it lowers our costs and enables us to offer the cheapest possible prices to our Customers.
No. Our prices are fixed, not-negotiable and we will not sell at prices other those shown on our online store.
Selling the same-priced products at cheaper prices to some customers and at dearer prices to others may constitute price discrimination or differentiation and this is not something that we do, we have one price for all Customers. As for GST-exempt or GST-concessional sales, while these are theoretically possible, the administrative costs involved in processing these are such that the sale itself often becomes unprofitable and so we decline these sales.
This is not possible. Customers often ring us wanting special, on-the-spot, deals for cheaper prices, however we never, ever negotiate prices by telephone. We specifically instruct our staff to ask these customers to email us instead. This is because customers’ purchases are financial transactions. We want to avoid mistakes, misunderstandings, disagreements or disputes. Negotiating by email affords greater transparency and accountability for both ourselves and our customers. Please note that we do not and will not negotiate prices or terms on the telephone.
ORDERING HELP & FAQs … placing online orders, how to do it, the information needed, etc ..
We are unable to accept the above ordering methods because we supply only via the orders placed by Customers at our online store. At our store Customers can browse for products, check prices and place orders directly. Telephone Orders Fax Orders, Purchase Orders or E-Procurement or E-Purchase Requisition are redundant and obsolete ordering procedures. Ordering online is faster, more accurate, more accountable, more transparent and more efficient. It also reduces unnecessary administrative procedures, it lowers our costs and enables us to offer the cheapest possible prices to our Customers.
We are unable to accept the above ordering method because we supply only via the orders placed by Customers at our online store. At our store Customers can browse for products, check prices and place orders directly. Pro-Forma or pre Invoicing orders is a redundant and obsolete ordering procedure. Ordering online is faster, more accurate, more accountable, more transparent and more efficient. It also reduces unnecessary administrative procedures, it lowers our costs and enables us to offer the cheapest possible prices to our Customers.
Yes. We don’t have a minimum order and with most of our products or picture frames you can order one item only. It is also prudent to order just one product or item to see if it suits before ordering larger quantities. Please note that, in line with online retail industry practice, we do not provide free samples or free shipping of samples.
Generally we are well-stocked and can usually fill orders of up to 1,000 frames. Nevertheless you can always check the availability of any product by clicking its “details” text link. The product’s description page will then load showing the Additional Product Information and the number of available items.
You can order online and you can also come to our premises and buy directly from us. You can park in the side driveway of the factory and enter through our door marked ‘Eastleigh Frames’. However ordering online is better and preferable because stock gets automatically allocated and we always know how much stock we have. Lastly, we need time to locate, pick, check the products and you may be kept waiting while we serve you.
If we ship our large frames to you, it is quite possible that these might arrive damaged or broken. This often happens with large, bulky or fragile items, no matter how well we package these or how much ‘Fragile’ tape we use. Transit damage is both annoying and frustrating for Customers and loss-making for ourselves. This is why we have decided that it is too risky to ship certain items and mark them as ‘Customer Collect’ only. Please note that we will not change this policy.
No, we only have one outlet, our factory at Moorabbin in Victoria. Generally speaking, organizations with multiple outlets or retail stores, sell high-margin or high-profit products such as, perhaps, iPhones. Photo frames, certificate framers, clip frames and picture frames are cheap, low-margin, small-profit products. That’s the most likely reason for the majority of picture frame retailers have only one store.
No, we’re an online store and online orders always take priority on stock allocation. The best way to make sure that you don’t miss out on our products is to order online as Customer Collect or Store Pick up. We will then process your order and keep it in our Customer Collect area for your collection at your convenience.
PAYMENTS HELP & FAQs .. about how to pay, if Cards are accepted, why cheques are not, etc ..
Yes, you can pay for your order by Bank Deposit into our Account, our BSB details will show after you select this method payment.
Yes, our entire store uses the HTTPS secure protocol, all payments are processed by the National Australia Bank and we have never had a fraudulent transaction claim.
No, and we have no plan to do so in the future.
No, and we have no plan to do so in the future.
SHIPPING HELP & FAQs … about postage, shipping costs, methods, timetables, couriers, etc ..
Yes, “Add to Cart” the products you want and the Cart page will load next with then ‘Estimate Shipping’ calculator which you can use to obtain a shipping cost. If there are no errors and if the order is no more than 25kgs this cost will display. You may then continue and complete the order or simply exit the store. If no cost displays then the Cart will show a ‘Special Freight’ message. This means that a shipping cost will have to be looked up manually. In that case we will email you and wait for your reply. If you accept, only then we will process the order. If not, then we will cancel, it at no cost or other obligation to you.
No, we never, ever give free shipping. Every order has freight charged, regardless of value, size or who the Customer is. We note that even a small skid of a few hundred frames to, say, Darwin, Northern Territory can cost us $600, and free shipping would mean selling at a loss. We can either arrange prompt and efficient delivery Australian locations at extremely competitive rates or Customers are welcome to arrange their own freight.
Yes. All parcels include a Taxable Invoice and EFTPOS Receipt (if applicable). These documents are always inside the “Invoice Enclosed” clear plastic enclosure showing the delivery address. This self-adhesive enclosure is securely taped on all sides and does not come off. If you received your order, then you will also have received the documents inside the enclosure
No. Currently we don’t export orders or ship to overseas. That doesn’t stop overseas customers from ordering but they will need to arrange their own freight or collection. We do not export because it is not profitable for us. The small profit margin for most of our products isn’t enough to recover all the administrative time, costs and efforts required in filling and processing out all the various shipping declarations, customs forms, G.S.T. tax statements, export documents, freight quotes, insurance covers and what have you.
Unfortunately no. We always ship your order to you as fast as we can but people can and do get sick, drivers can have accidents and trucks can break down. If your parcel is in transit and any or all of these events occur, then it may get delayed or not get to you. Unfortunately there’s not much that we or anyone else can do about this. None of our couriers can or will guarantee delivery dates. Sometimes customers ring us claiming that they rang our office and spoke to “someone” who told them that that their parcel of would be assured or guaranteed to arrive somewhere by a certain time or date. However this is not possible. We do not and will not assure or guarantee delivery deadlines because when parcels leave our premises their delivery will be beyond our control. To avoid delays, disappointments, disagreements and disputes please ensure that you place your order for our picture frames or other products with plenty of time for your expected or scheduled occasions or events.
Yes, provided you are aware of and accept the risks involved. Typically we will not ship picture or poster frames with clear glass larger than A2(42×59.4cms). For larger frames, our usual online ordering Shipping Method is ‘Customer Collect’, meaning that it’s a store pickup, where Customers have to collect the frames themselves. The reason we won’t ship these bigger picture frames is the unacceptable high rate of glass breakages and frame damage occurring during transport. If you want to have your own Courier collect large frames you can but we won’t be responsible for any loss, damages or breakages. Please note that the frames are sold as shown, unwrapped, unboxed, without cardboard or bubble wrap. You cannot claim for glass breakage after you take these frames are taken away.
We always send an order completion notification email when we dispatch an order. At the bottom of the email there is a ‘Shipping, Packing and Tracking Details’ section. Please use the link and details therein to visit the applicable Courier’s website and track your parcel order. Please note that ringing ourselves, or the Couriers, to hasten deliveries is generally futile because drivers cannot be made to drive faster.
Most probably because a secure delivery could not be made at the shipping address. For a delivery to be secure, it must meet at least one of these requirements : a) the Customer provides a Proof of Delivery signature upon receipt of the parcel or, b) the Customer grants an Authority to Leave . If a Customer cannot meet at least one of these conditions, then delivery is deemed insecure and the order will be cancelled. This is because if an insecure delivery order parcel is damaged or lost, then Customers are entitled to refunds or compensation. Couriers often find multi-residential addresses difficult to service securely. Building security often prevents direct access, or there may be no-one available to sign for the parcel. In these cases a driver will leave a Calling Card, however there is the risk for the parcel to be mis-delivered, delayed or lost. To lessen this risk, we ask Customers to advise us of an alternative work, or business address, where someone will be on call or available to sign for parcels. Alternatively, we ask for Authority to Leave the parcel at the most practicable address. With an Authority to Leave Customers are not entitled to claim for any parcel loss or damage, because they agree for the parcel to be left with third parties. Customers often do not want to grant this or ask us to drop the parcel at Post Offices, Police Stations, Council Offices, Pubs or other unauthorized addresses. However staff at these unauthorized addresses do not want to accept the liability or responsibility for our parcels and will not provide our Couriers with the Proof of Delivery signatures we require. For all or any of the above reasons we need to cancel all orders that cannot be securely delivered.
While we do try our hardest to offer competitive shipping prices, we cannot always be the cheapest or meet customers’ expectations at all times. A possible solution to this problem is for Customers to place online orders as Customer Collect and then organize their own freight, or courier, who may offer cheaper rates than us. Googling search terms such as “parcel service” or “freight service” should result in several companies or organizations who can pick up your order from us and ship it to you. If you would like to do this, simply place your order and then let us know that you’re organizing your own pick-up. We will cooperate with your Courier and provide all reasonable assistance.
DELIVERIES HELP & FAQs .. about the Couriers we use for shipping, their delivery times, etc .. ..
Our Delivery Schedule is compiled from information provided by our Couriers. All carriers, be they Couriers or transport companies, use their best endeavours to deliver according to schedule but they cannot and will not guarantee delivery times. However we can assure Customers that 96% of all our parcels are delivered timely, without any problems and only about 4% of deliveries cause complaints.
Sorry, no. Most of our products are picture frames and photo frames with glass which Australia Post will not accept and prohibits because of OHS concerns. The rest of our products may contain no glass but cannot be cheaply mailed because all our parcels require a Proof of Delivery signature. In addition, it is simply not economical or even practical for us to ask our employees to travel to various Post Offices so as to mail out single orders. It is much more efficient to dispatch orders via professional Couriers who call on us daily to collect all parcels. Of course Customers are not compelled to use our Couriers and can always contact us to arrange their own freight or pick up.
Please check your email Inbox for our notification emails and if not there, also check your Junk or Spam folders in case your email client settings re-directed them there. If our emails are nowhere to be found then double check the email address you provided us. If the email address was incorrect, invalid or malformed then none of our emails would have reached you. In that case you will need to contact us to ascertain the status of your order. Our emails always advise and notify what is happening with Customers’ orders. When we dispatch an order we also send out an order completion notification email. At the bottom of the email there is a ‘Shipping, Packing and Tracking Details’ section. Please use the link and details therein to visit the applicable Courier’s website and track your parcel order.
All our parcel orders are sent with Taxable Invoices. The Invoices are inside the “Invoice Enclosed” enclosures displaying shipping addresses. If you received our parcel, then you would also have received the enclosure with your Invoice inside. Please contact the person who first opened the parcel for the document you seek. Sometimes, the person who receives the parcel fails to pass the documents on to the person who place the order. If however the Invoice cannot be found or has been lost, please contact us so that we may email you a copy.
Our couriers and parcel delivery providers always require someone to sign for parcel deliveries. This is called a POD ( Proof of Delivery ) signature. The POD system seeks to lessen and minimize any disputes or disagreements about non-deliveries, failed deliveries, or deliveries to wrong addresses. At Australia Post or private post office boxes Customers are not available to sign and any other staff present are not authorized or permitted to sign on Customers’ behalf.
RETURNS HELP & FAQs .. about returning unwanted, redundant or unsuitable products ..
The Australian Consumer Law does not require us to accept change-of-mind returns. However, we may, at our option, do so and you will need to contact us with details of your purchase. If we accept your change-of-mind return we require you to return them to us at your cost, still shrink-wrapped, unmarked and undamaged. We will then refund to you the cost of the frames you bought, less the initial Card payment fees (if any Shipping or Special Freight cost. Please note that if any of the picture frames arrive back to us unwrapped, marked, damaged or are lost, then you you will bear the loss and we will make only a partial refund or no refund at all.
The Australian Consumer Law does not require us to accept change-of-mind returns. In addition, we do not accept window mat boards back because when the returns come back to us, we find them, bent, dented, soiled or damaged and unfit for re-sale.
The Australian Consumer Law does not require us to accept returns for minor, cosmetic flaws when a product is fit for the purpose it was sold. However and provided you have not broken the shrink wrap or used the frame first, you can return the frame to us at your expense and responsibility. Once the frame is returned to us we will, at our option, either refund the money you paid for the frame or replace it. Please note that if the frame arrives back to us unwrapped, marked, damaged or is lost, then you you will bear the loss and we will make only a partial refund or no refund at all.
CLAIMS HELP & FAQs … about how to make queries, claims, complaints, our refund policy ..
Please do not ring us, we do not assess or process claims by phone. Do send us an email with some photos and your Order number, that’s probably all you will have to do. We will promptly reply and advise you of your claim lodgement and progress. Australian Consumer Laws allows us a reasonable amount of time to verify your claim. Once verified your claim will be accepted and we will then refund your purchase by EFT to your nominated BSB. Australian Consumer Laws does not compel us to refund to the Card used, nor are we able, as we do not keep Customers’ Card details.
Please do not ring us, we do not assess or process claims by phone. Do send us an email with your Order number, your claim details and some photos, that’s probably all you will have to do. We will then promptly reply and advise you of your claim lodgement and progress. In the meanwhile we will assess and verify your claim in a reasonable amount of time me, as the Australian Consumer Law permits. We will either repair, replace or refund any of the above goods if these were bought from us and if these were: a) faulty and not fit for the purpose these were bought for, b) not of acceptable quality in appearance and finish, c) not safe or durable and: d) misdescribed or significantly different to those shown or described. In determining these criteria it must be taken into consideration what the goods were and the price paid for them. For example, a mass-produced $2.50 plastic picture frame cannot be reasonably expected to be of the same quality, or to have the same high cosmetic finish of a $250 custom wooden picture frame. If we accept your claim we will then refund your purchase by EFT to your nominated BSB. Australian Consumer Laws does not compel us to refund to the Card used, nor are we able, as we do not keep Customers’ Card details
Unfortunately, no. We ship out orders as fast as we can but people can get sick, drivers can have accidents and trucks can break down. We cannot and do not assure or guarantee delivery dates or deadlines because once parcels leave our premises we have no control over them. This is stated in our Terms and Conditions of Sales that all Customers see when placing orders. It is is up to Customers, not ourselves, or the Couriers to ensure that orders are placed in plenty of time for expected or scheduled occasions or events. However, we may, at our option, consider accepting a return. To do so you will need to contact us with details of your purchase. If we accept your change-of-mind return we require you to return them to us at your cost, still shrink-wrapped, unmarked and undamaged. We will then refund to you the cost of the frames you bought, less the initial Card payment fees (if any Shipping or Special Freight cost. Please note that if any of the picture frames arrive back to us unwrapped, marked, damaged or are lost, then you you will bear the loss and we will make only a partial refund or no refund at all.
The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) does not require businesses or merchants to refund customers immediately on receiving a claim. In practice, the legislation allows a business or merchant a reasonable amount of time to verify or make inquiries about a submitted claim. In our case, we need time to contact the couriers involved so as ask for a Proof of Delivery (POD) signature, Parcel Tracking History Report or Incident Report about the claimed parcel or parcels. Customers have sometimes claimed non-delivery and prematurely asked for a refund when delivery was, in fact, made to the shipping address and the parcel or parcels have been signed for by other, authorized staff, family or household members. At other times, Customers have also claimed non-delivery and prematurely asked for a refund after giving us Authority To Leave (ATL) which releases both the Courier and ourselves from having to provide proof POD that delivery was made. In other cases, Customers have sometimes claimed non-delivery and prematurely asked for a refund when delivery was attempted, could not be affected and the order parcel is being returned to us. And in other instances, Customers have sometimes claimed non-delivery and prematurely asked for a refund when delivery was simply a few days late because of vehicle breakdowns, failed re-delivery attempts or Customer failure to contact the the couriers because of shipping address identification problems. All in all, and while most claims are genuine, we still need a week or two to make inquiries with the couriers, carriers or freight companies to either locate the parcel or to find out what has happened. Generally speaking however, most claims are speedily resolved in a Customer’s favour within two weeks.
Small orders of $200 or less are defined by the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) as âLow Value Goodsâ. When a Customer has not contacted us, or we have been unable to contact a Customer for the collection or delivery of said low value goods, these are deemed to have been abandoned. ACL allows us to dispose of abandoned goods (counted from when the goods became uncollected) after 60 days. Therefore all abandoned orders older than 2 months have been disposed of and no refund is owing to a Customer under ACL legislation.
OTHERS HELP & FAQs … topics or subjects not fitting the above categories ..
No. We prefer to support charities and other worthy causes in a private capacity and as individuals. Many of our staff have contributed, or are currently contributing and assisting many charitable, non-profit, organizations such as: World Vision, Red Cross, Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, Wesley Mission, Fred Hollows Foundation, Good Friday appeal, Mission Australia, Heart Foundation, Medecins Sans Frontiers, Lifeline, Wayside Chapel, the Royal Institute of Victoria for the Deaf and Blind, Odyssey House and the RSPCA, just to name some.
And since you are here âŚ
Our photo frames, picture frames, frameless clip frames, football display cases, basketball display cases, and other product ranges can be found online by making Google , or Bing searches. For custom picture frames and custom picture framing price quotations, please use our free, easy and fast Prices Estimator.