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In Praise Of The Humble Picture Frame Cardboard Corner Protector (CPP)

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A Picture Frame Cardboard Corner Protector  (CPP) as the picture here shows is placed over each corner of photo frames orpicture-frames-cardboard-corner-protector picture frames to protect them. Artists packing framer works for exhibitions, people moving houses and customers collecting picture frames from their picture framers are prime examples of framed art being moved or transported.  Protection is recommended and necessary when you are carrying or transporting framed art, for instance when moving house or shipping it.  A careless drop, or knock , bump, fall or a slip may damage, spring the corner open, crack the glass  and damage the picture frame, the art, or both.  Framed art can be anything, from an inexpensive holiday poster, to a cherished family heirloom, or a valuable work on paper or painting. In our experience, cardboard wrapping.

Bubble wrapping and marking items with ‘FRAGILE” tape is not always sufficient. It is therefore highly advisable to, at the very least, not to ship your framed pictures unprotected but to fit 4 CPP to each corner of the picture frame being moved.

These cardboard corner protectors (CPP) are one of those things everybody’s is going to need at one time or another in their lives but no-one seems to know where to buy them from!  The department stores don’t have them,  not the hardware chains, the petrol stations nor the 2-dollar shops! However you should be able to find, or to  get some them, from your local picture framer. Most picture framers  will have some because most of them use  these to protect customer’s finished picture frames and photo frames.

The framer should be able to sell you some or maybe give you a set of 4 if he knows you, these only cost  about  AUD.08 each. For your information, you can conveniently order online some Cardboard Corner Protectors from us. If you really cannot buy or source the CPP anywhere, and as a last resort, you can make some.

Firstly you would trace CPP outlines, using a pattern,  over a suitably thick, fluted cardboard sheet. For your convenience you may download a Cardboard Corner Protector Template , or tracing pattern, example.  We  note that the Pattern is not our work but copyrighted to, and made available by of courtesy by C. W. Yap’s weblog.

Secondly, with a suitable hand tool,  such as a Craft Knife or a Stanley Knife, you would the cut through the traced outline. Lastly, you  would fold and assemble the set of four CPPs ready for use. CPPs have little triangles, or tongues, inside them, that may or may not click into and lock into the inner lip of the moulding (frame), thus preventing their dislodgement.

However  moulding frames vary in profile, height and shape and it is possible that the CPP may not lock into the frame, our should check before moving the picture frame. If  a Picture Frame Cardboard Corner Protector tongue doe not lock, use a small nail or staple to fix it to the back of the frame. Good luck with your moving or transporting.


3 thoughts on “In Praise Of The Humble Picture Frame Cardboard Corner Protector (CPP)

  1. Just like the post said I was not able to find any to buy anywhere and I am not near a picture framer. So to protect my old picture frames and many personal, new photo frames I made up about 60 corner protectors. I used the template linked here to make them. Great help, thank you!

  2. I can buy brown cardboard corner protectors from my local storage depot but they’re quite expensive at $.50 each, especially if you want 80 of them like I do. I finished up cutting them from my dad’s store empty suppliers’ cardboard boxes. I used them to corner up 20 picture frames we donated to Oxfam for chairty.

  3. Interestingly both our online picture frames and custom picture framing orders increased as well, especially for online sales. The fact that we do sell cheap photo frames and cheap poster frames greatly helps our sales. However we think that the main reason behind the sales surge is the fact that more and more Customers stayed at home instead of going out. And when folks stay at home and have to keep looking at the same decor they’ve probably looked at for years, they decide to do something about it. More often than not they order a new $13, cheapie A2 poster frame, rather than a $120, A2 custom frame, but hey, work is work, so we sell as much as we can, for now. However, when life re-boots after social distancing and Jobkeeper subsidies end, the feeling is that picture frames sales of all types will decrease dramatically. This is because there will be less full-time jobs, work casualization will increase, wages will decrease or stay flat and all discretionary spending will concomitantly fall.

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