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Cheap, simple, functional, effective and elegant clip frames, or frameless frames

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Wiki-Knowledge-article-iconClip frames, available online here, are also colloquially, though often inaccurately, called ' Frameless frames', 'Snap wall-of-clip-frames frames' . ' Borderless frames' or 'Glass frames.' Clip framing is a very economical, effective and elegant method of displaying photographs, prints and other works on paper. This minimalist look ensures that the clip framing never intrudes or interferes for the attention of the framed art. Almost invariably, a clip frame will be made up of a piece of either glass pane or plastic, transparent glazing material, a Craftwood backing and several, chrome-plated Swiss steel clips to hold everything firmly clipped together. The clips can be unclipped or removed to insert the artwork inside, or in between the glazing material and back.

Any art inserted can usually be removed and changed at a later date. After inserting the artwork, the clips are put back and the fitted clip frame may be hung. The clips or fitted hangers at the back allow for either portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) hanging. No fitting or servicing by a picture framer is required. Clip frames are usually shrink-wrapped or cardboard-protected and suit most photographic Imperial (US) sizes and international (European) 'A' series sizes.

This stylish, framing concept has been around for decades, but it still gives that clean, light, Nordic, if not Scandinavian, feel often associated with chic, elegant and modern North European look and feel. Clip frames, somewhat like flowers, look best when clustered, and as shown in the image above. Customers use them for photos, small fun prints, postcards, calendars, and most paper art. The clean, gallery look also suits graphic design studios and art decorators.

Graphic designers often include mats within and inside the clip frame. This is usually possible (however do check with you picture framer first) because the steel clips have a small tongue or spring which can flex and usually allow for the extra thickness of the mat ( about 1.2mm) to be inserted inside the clip frame. Clip frames are generally sold with clear glass up to A3 (29.7x42cms) size with sizes larger than that usually sold with clear plastic or a clear acrylic sheet to obviate likely glass breakage. thank you for reading this post "Cheap, simple, functional, effective and elegant clip frames, or frameless frames.

3 thoughts on “Cheap, simple, functional, effective and elegant clip frames, or frameless frames

  1. I saw from your web site that you have small picture frame sizes and big picture frame sizes clip frames so I can put both small and big photos in these. I also noticed that some have clear glass and some others, the bigger ones come with plastic glass. This seems to ne because the big clip frames tend to break easily if shipped with glass. Anyway you prices are very good and cheap and I can order mix and match frames with you online store

  2. Clip frames can be quite hard to find! I looked everywhere including the big online stores untils I found some online under ‘cheap clip frames’. Some frames are a couple of buck each! So Cheap ! Anyway I’m in Sydney and I ordered some online an dthey arrived in a couple of days no problems at all. The A4 Clip frames I wanted cost about $4 each. A picture framer I know of wanted $20 each to make me the 12 I wanted. So I ordered online and saved heaps!

  3. They’re great! Just bought a set of 9 A3 clip frames online to do my puzzle poster! It looks fantastic, just as in the Decor magazine I bought. Just a hint though. Make sure the glass of the clip frames is smooth, or "polished" as they call it. Some stores sell the kind which have sharp edges and you can cut your skin.

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