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Does your picture framing customer service include ringing Customers when their work is ready?

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We are occasionally asked if part of our picture framing customer service is to ring Customers when we have completed their picture frames. We reply that we generally do so phone-call-from-a-picture-framer only when a Customers requests it because for the majority of picture framing jobs, there's no need to. When you bring your print, photo poster or artwork to be picture framed we will always give you a pick-up or a collection date. This applies to 98% of all framing jobs. We find that this system works better for both Customers and ourselves. The only exceptions are special jobs requiring special treatment, different handling or time consuming picture framing methods.

Examples are damp or mouldy artwork which may need lengthy airing and cleaning prior to framing, "wet" or freshly painted oil paintings which can take weeks to dry or "cure" prior to framing, elaborate or fragile memorabilia, or especially-made picture frame mouldings. More rarely, a key machine breaks down, such as our computerized mat cutter, and fidning the right replacement spare part may take time and cause some delays.

Under these circumstances, yes, as part of our picture framing customer service we will always email or ring you to keep you appraised of your job's progress and completion. Lastly, and if you're in a hurry for a standard size picture frame, do consider visiting our Ready-Made picture frames page or the one with many sizes of photo frames.

4 thoughts on “Does your picture framing customer service include ringing Customers when their work is ready?

  1. Well, this is how it should be done anyway. Many framers say that they’ll ring you when the picture frames are ready but you either don’t get the message or the number was taken down wrong, and so you’re left wondering if your stuff’s ready. Some others still "forget" to ring you and then it’s you that has to chase the picture framer.

  2. Actually, sometimes it’s the customer who gets it wrong! I left my boss’ professional association certificate to be framed a while back and it said to come back on the 3rd of the month. I went back on the 2nd because that’s what I remembered. To make matters more interesting, my boss wanted his certificate that very day as he was seeing clients who were with that association. Imagine my disappointment and panic when, as I stood at the framing counter with the picture framing assistant reading my picture framing work docket, I got told that the pick up date wasn’t for that day but the day after! Luckily the helpful assistant volunteered to check with the workshop framers anyway and see how the job was going. More luckily for me and my employment, the picture frame was just getting finished! I only waited for 10 minutes or so and my picture frame was handed to me! I was sooo lucky!

  3. My picture framer send me a text message when either my photo frames or picture frames or poster frames are ready. It’s so simple and cheap I don’t understand why more businesses don’t SMS. Pretty much every customer has a mobile phone and everyone has to leave a contact phone number, so why don’t more picture framers do it?

  4. I don’t know what the problem is. We run a busy picture framing and framery store in the NT and a lot of our customers are FIFO and mining employees or contractors. Of course they need to be texted when their picture frames and photo frames have been finished and need to be collected. It’s not like they live down the road and they can jut pop in to ask if their frames are ready. A lot of them live or camp hundreds of kilometres away so texting is essential.

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