Red Invoice Enclosures A6 ( One pack of 12 Envelopes )
9 sold to date
32 left in stock
Reviews (1)
Handy and practical, self-adhesive, red- coloured, plastic Invoice Enclosure in the popular A6 (17.5cm x 12.5cm) size in packs of 12 enclosure each. The enclosures are used to attach Customer invoices, packing slips or other documents to the outside of parcels or cartons dispatched deliveries. The advantage of these see-though, clear envelopes is that the Customers' addresses are shown for the Courier or delivery driver without the need of having to hand write the names, addresses and details again. The envelopes are made from polythene and are water resistant, have an aggressive adhesion and are made easy to use with removable backing paper that exposes the adhesive. It should be noted that the measurements are external and one would need to allow 7-8mm on all sides (or 15mm on each measurement) for the seam.
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Kerryn H. ( Mile End, S.A.)
Nifty little packing accessory this one! I only send a few parcels a month to my Customers but this red invoice enclosure really makes my shipping look much more professional than a plain, handwritten label or address note. The other thing is that most other stores want you to buy hundreds or thousands of these enclosures but here you can buy as few as one dozen at at time, which is all I need. Cheap too.