Custom mat cut to size ? Sorry, no. We of course do cut window mats for all our custom picture frames, photo frames, certificate frames, ready-made frames and for any frame we make but we won't supply or cut mats only. The reason we do this, oddly enough, is for better Customer relations. In the past, when we did offer a custom mat cutting service, we found that Customers were dissatisfied with about 20% of the ... mats we cut.
The complaint we seemed to get was that the custom mat we had just cut "didn't fit" either the customer's picture frame or the artwork. It then dawned upon us that the reason why our mats didn't fit or suit, wasn't us our tools or machinery, but the way Customers measured or supplied their measurements to us. Most times, Customers didn't allow for the frame rabbet clearance, hinging margins or the inner artwork overlap. We at first tried to teach customers how to correctly measure but many found this too complicated and just as many, didn't want to know about it and just wanted a free replacement mat.
Lastly, some Customers occasionally would also bring in their own picture frames and artwork so that we could cut the mat, fit up and complete their frames. But on several instances, we found that the frames handed to us inferior, mass-produced cheapies made of cardboard or MDF. When fitting up these picture or photo frames, these would split or break when we fitted up with our air and power tools.
We were then obliged to either repair or replace the frames that got damaged or broken. All these issues and problems weren't conducive to good Customer relations or running a profitable picture framing business, so we stopped offering this particular service. To date, we've seen no good reason to change this policy. That said, there's nothing stopping Customers to buy our pre-made production window mats, or indeed, cutting their own mats. Actually, we encourage Customer to learn how to do this. We can sell production, white-core mat board sheets which are 32"x40" or 1016x816mm for about $10 each in several common colours.
Mat cutters with which cut the mat square holes are sold by most art and craft shops. Just go in an ask for a mat cutter or a hand mat cutter. This mat cutting tool is actually a fairly simple hand tool. It's basically a cast plastic blade holder which holds 1 or 2 mat cutting blades. With one blade you can usually cut the outside of the picture frame mat at 90 degrees and with the other blade you can cut the inside square or rectangular mate hole at 45 degrees. Instruction sheets are usually included with the mat cutter.
The U.S. made Logan mat cutters are a very good, sturdy and well known product. Learning how to cut photo frames or picture frame mats is easy, inexpensive and always a useful skill to acquire. Finally, if you are looking for standard size window mats that fit common sizes such A4's or 8"x10" then you can order some pre-cut and off-the-shelf from our Photo Frame Window Mats and Matboard Sheets page. Thank you for reading this post "I just want a custom mat cut to size and nothing else, do you do this?".
If you can’t find a picture framer to cut you a window mat ( I also had the same problem, had to ring 4 before I could find one ) you can always cut one yourself. I actually like recycling old picture frames so maybe I do this stuff more than most people. So I got sick of trying to find a framer who would just cut mats and bought myself a hand mat cutter for $19 at an arts and crafts supplies shop. As for the mat boards, most framers will sell you a cheap white-core board for about $10. They won’t mind selling you matboards because it’s easy money for them. With a board which is about 101x81cms you can probably cut half a dozen small mats and a couple of large mats, and you save money too and it’s actually quite easy to cut mats.
Actually you can find standard size picture frames mats at most arts and crafts shops very cheap so you don’t have to ring around for a framer willing to make you one. Most photos are 5×7" or 8×10" or 11×14" and you can find packs of 4 photo frames easily at most art supplies places, just Google or ring around. I picked up a couple of packs for about $16.
Actually, I had this problem with my local picture framer recently. I had a perfectly good picture frame and photograph that I wanted to put in but needed a mat. I went to the picture frame store and asked for a price quote to do it while I was waiting. After all, it was a quick and easy job, just a small window mat for my frame. Well, I was shocked by the rudeness of the picture frames owner. Not only he told me that "they only do full picture framing" but in any case, I’d have to come back in 2 weeks! Imagine that! Goodness me, what’s happening to service in this country, doesn’t anybody want to work any more?
Had similar problems to the comments here and it seems to be a recurring one. Ordered a pack of A4 white mats off this site and it was so easy and quick to do myself. Mind you, I had to call around and waste alot of time before i came to this site. No picture framer wanted to do it for me so i kept the money and did it myself, bad luck to them i guess! It took some time but my and my husband were up to the task. Glad i came across this article though. There’s some good information as to why picture framers don’t do it and it seems to be rooted in common sense and experience… at least for Eastleigh Frames.
[…] you supply or cut custom window mats"? We get asked this question, either by phone, email or in person, about once a week. Invariably, […]