We agree, if you have not done this before, it can be a little scary, hence our post "I’ve never had anything custom framed before, how does it work? Maybe you’ve heard stories, possibly bad ones, on how difficult and expensive it was, and you’re a little wary. But relax, we’re here to help, so let us give you some helpful advice. The first thing to remember is that, almost invariably, you will be working with professional picture framers. Those professionals will have made their mission in life to do the right thing by you, their craft, and your artwork. A professional picture framer will welcome you into his or her store and ask you how they can best help you.
This is where you come in, and all you need to is ask the framer all the picture framing question you can think of or want to know. Most customers have an idea, at least, of the colour and size of the picture frame they want. If you tell the framer what you would like, he or she will probably discuss, comment or elaborate on your wishes, often indicating suitable alternatives.
If a frame, say an orange frame for a wedding photo, is desired, the framer may well suggest that this could choice could be inappropriate and that the end result might not be appreciated. You are nevertheless encouraged to bring your own ideas, and simply because it is the first time you’re having something framed does not mean that you cannot contribute.
Again, most people know what they like and don’t like and you framer should work with you and explore both likes and dislikes during your picture framing consultation. Do keep your mind open however, and carefully consider that various choices your picture framer may put forward or present to you during the consultation.
This is because, when consulting, your framer may propose methods, styles, colour or even materials you did not initially consider, or perhaps felt were unimportant. He or she will then use his or her experience to suggest suitable, alternative style or mouldings, or picture frames.
Much the same process will be followed when selecting a window, mat, if one or more are desired, the glazing and the choice of material, whether simply acid-free or conservation. With regards to conservation picture framing, this can expensive. Depending on what it is that you want framed, the conservation method might not be needed.
For instance, an inexpensive, holiday poster would not normally warrant this added expenditure, whereas your University testamur would. Again, your picture framer will be at pains to explain to you why conservation is desirable and how much extra the framing might cost.
The added cost of conservation framing is generally driven by the better quality, and therefore more expensive, materials that are used in picture framing. Better quality conservation materials are used when the utmost care and preservation of the art being framed is required.
Broadly speaking, such materials will never burn, stain, cockle, warp or mark the art that comes in contact with it. Lastly, correct conservation picture framing ensures that your precious or valuable are will not need re-framing the future. Of course, you’re the customer, it’s your money and you control how much you framed art will cost, regardless of what a picture framer might suggest.
Feel free to discuss any cost options and all price strategies. Holiday posters, for instance, do not merit the additional cost of window matting, whereas a wedding photograph would. The simple strategy of framing artwork without a window mat can reduce the cost of framing a picture by 40%. You might even like to start off the framing consultation by stating that you have a pre-determined budget, or figure, and ask your framer to do the best with that.
Again, a professional picture framer should be perfectly be able to present you acceptable and working picture framing alternatives within your price range. Lastly, consider framing what you love and loving what you have had framed.
That photograph, print, or document that you have come to cherish has been framed for you because you want to conserve it and display it for many years to come. As a final thought, your picture framer may be considered as your design partner in this magical, empowering, custom picture framing process.
For an overview of the picture frame parts and components, see our Picture Frames Parts Names page, for ideas on picture framing decor visit our picture framing decor ideas page for costs and prices you can use our D.Y.O Picture Framing Costs Calculator Thank you for reading this post "I’ve never had anything custom framed before, how does it work?"
Well may this post say as things should be but some picture framing store staff are pretty rude, short or plain incompetent. Maybe I’ve been unlucky but I’ve either been fobbed off or oversold the frames I wanted. So I buy most of my shadow box frames online.
I guess you’ve been unlucky. I like good art on my wall and I’ve been going to the some picture framer for years. I get first class advice and I’m always made to feel welcome. More importantly, my framer always advises me on what needs good framing and what does not. He also carries cheap ready-made poster frames for inexpensive poster and prints, which I sometimes have. I wouldn’t get that sort of service at department stores.
My picture framer is pretty good, very good actually. He’s being picture framing my family’s stuff for years and he even remembers my parents’ frames. Before suggesting a picture frame type or colour, he asks where it will hang, is it a private job or a gift, is the art valuable or not, so that he can quote accordingly. Only once he forgot to do something and then he fixed it up right away. At one time my Credit Card wouldn’t work and he let me take my picture frame away on credit and without payment. As for what he charges, I work in the construction industry, I know what tradies can charge, what local labour costs and $250 for a big frame is a very reasonable price,