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What are signature picture frames and how much do these cost to make?

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Signature picture frames are ordinary, matted picture frames with mats which will be signed by at an occasion or an event'swedding-signature-picture-frame guests, invitees, attendees or participants, as shown by the wedding signature picture frame example at the left here. Although having the wedding guests sign the signature at a wedding is the most popular signature frame we do, we have also made signature frames for other occasions or events. Bar mitzvahs, baby showers, bridal showers, first communions, confirmations, corporate     events, retirements, presentations, commemorations, graduations and valedictions are additional, signature picture frames for events and memorable milestones we have framed for.

A signature frame will help foster remembrance and pay homage to past memories of important, memorable, dear and cherished events and occasions. It is a picture frame that can display various photographs of a person's or a couple's favourite memories surrounded by signatures of friends and family celebrating their special day. In a way, it's a modern photo album and guestbook combined displaying the special event's or occasion's memories together in one eye-catching frame.

Signature frames are usually temporarily framed with the a matted photo but without the picture frame glass and given to the couple or master of ceremonies. The couple or the M.C., then arrange for all the guests or event participants to sign their names and dedications on the picture frame mat. The window mat of the signature frame is usually white or off white and about 10 cms wide right around to allow enough space for a few dozen names, signatures and sentiments or dedications.

The mat can be cut and sized smaller or wider than the common 10cms width, to allow for less, or more, event signatories. Commonly, the signature frame is framed with a black or brown moulding, often trimmed with gold, though there are many available moulding styles, finishes and sizes. Glazing is important and to avoid fading, we recommend using Ultra-Violet (UV) resistant glazing to protect the contents of the signature frame from discolouring and fading away.

The signed signature frame, complimented with the picture or pictures can later be presented to the person or couple at the end of the event as a present or gift from everyone. After the even or ceremony, the temporary signature picture frame is returned the the picture framer for completion. This usually mean fitting the picture frame glass to the signature frame, (which was originally not included so as to allow for signing ) sealing it, and returning to the owner.

Even though the picture framer works on the frame twice, this process normally does not cost more and it is usually the same price as the picture framing a normal photograph. Importantly, signature picture frames have an added benefit of allowing persons or couples to add or change photographs taken at the event after signing. A helpful tip when organizing a signature picture frame is to try, test and then standardize a single pen for all those who will be signing.

Not doing so will pose the risk of having guests write unsightly, multi-coloured messages on the signature mat or worse still, having someone's fountain or ink pen bleeding ink or staining the mat to everyone's consternation. Lastly, as for how much it would cost to make a signature picture frame, it's around about the same price of picture framing a photograph, though this will of course depend on the size of the photo. To get a price estimate of the cost to picture frame a photograph, you can use Option 2 in our Picture Frames Prices Estimator .

4 thoughts on “What are signature picture frames and how much do these cost to make?

  1. I had two signature picture frames organized for my wedding last year. One was fine but the other not. My hubby and I took one each around the guests for signing, one for us and one for my relatives. Well I made sure I had my signature mat signed with ink pens and these all come out all right. But my dill husband and his friend used mostly paint pens, the ones you sign football jumpers with, and the paint didn’t dry properly smearing some of the signatures. So we had to do it a third time because my hubby didn’t listen to me. Anyway, in the end the signature mats framed fine, but, don’t use paint markers or paint-based pens, they just don’t try quickly enough between guests and even fanning or blowing the writing won’t work. Ink pens or technical pens are the best.

  2. Very important! Get guests to sign mark or draw you signature picture frame BEFORE they start eating or drinking! Do so as soon as t hey sit down and before they start serving drinks, food or refreshments. Have you M.C. ask and explain what you want this. The reason is simple, you don’t want boisterous or tipsy guests spill, drop, dribble or tip any beverages or food onto your nice, clean signature mat. This is what actually happened at my sister’s wedding! The signed mat got wine and food stains on it even though they tried to be careful!

  3. Another tip: Censor your guests’ comments! Had two mates of mine at my wedding who had too much to drink. I wasn’t present when they signed my signature frame as I had to be with someone else. When I came back to continue the signing with the other guests I saw the silly and stupid remarks they wrote about sex and married life. I went off at them but they thought it was all a big joke and accused me of not seeing the funny sides of they moronic remarks. Later on my wife drew doodles on their messages so as to mask them somewhat, but still, I advise you to check your guests what it is they will write -before- you give them the signature wedding picture frame for signing.

  4. […] cheap ready-made picture frames by the Customers themselves. Infrequently, some will need to be custom picture framed locally, and this will invariably cost more. Many customers are shocked to learn that their big, […]

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