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What’s a good idea to save money on picture frames and picture framing ?

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How to save money on picture frames, you ask ? Simple! When you go online to buy your P.O.D. (Print on Demand) posters and prints, or you simply print your own photos,customer shopping for pictureframe certificates or other art, do so in standard or common sizes, like the A series. These sizes are widely used and manufacturers make Ready-Made picture frames for them in bulk. These are much cheaper than custom picture frames or custom photo frames. The main reason why this is so is because these Ready-Made frames are mass-produced in their hundreds, if not thousands.  While on this subject, please read our other, useful, money-saving tips and thrifty buying advice detailed in our other post What's the main difference between Custom-Made and Ready-Made picture frames.

In our experience,  about 98% of all art which we frame is inexpensive, mass-produced, open-edition, tourist or commercial art.  These prints are invariably printed on cellulose printing paper laden with lignin which more or less destroys the paper in a few years or so.  Given the non-permanency of such art, it is generally not recommended to frame by or with conservation methods or museum quality materials .

For this type of art, most Customers ask for inexpensive poster frames. Lastly, given the discounting trend that has become entrenched in the picture framing industry, we suggest that you shop only where picture framers are willing or able to offer customers some type of discount.

This web site, for instance offers, discounts to all Customers who  bring in our Cash Discount Coupon. Thank you for reading this post "What's a good idea to save money on picture frames and picture framing ?.

3 thoughts on “What’s a good idea to save money on picture frames and picture framing ?

  1. A lot of the times blog are just useless yabber but this blog is spot on. I got one and a half dozen A1 and A2 posters for my office and showroom. Mostly of these are for promotional materials ad product advertising. I got a price to get them custom framed, and even with a discount the 18 posters worked out at around $1,950. Ouch! I’m just starting out and I can’t afford that. So I googled Ready-Made picture frames and A1 and A2 picture frames and a couple of places came up, a couple in Sydney and a couple in Melbourne. Anyway I went down to a factory in Moorabbin and I got the best deal, all my posters and prints in A1’s and A2’s black read-made frames for $780 !! That’s less than half the price of custom picture framing. Sure, I had to put the prints in myself but the frames had flexible tabs, like giant photo frames, and that was easy to do. So if you’re not too fussy you can save yourself a lot of money by buying pre-made or ready-made picture frames from a factory or discount outlet like I did.

  2. I don’t know why people go and get their photos or posters custom framed or go to a picture framer. Just about every size photo frame and picture frame is available either online or at brisk and mortar stores. You just go there, buy a frame and stick your print or poster inside yourself. The price can be as low as 30% of custom picture framing prices, so why go to a picture framer?

  3. Great insights on saving money with picture frames and framing! The tips on choosing affordable options while maintaining quality are practical and helpful. Custom framing ideas are especially inspiring for DIY enthusiasts. Thanks for sharing such valuable advice!

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