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What’s the best way of lifting, carrying and handling picture frames?

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Certainly, not by lifting one by the top of the frame as the man is doing in the photo. Unless the string, cord, wire or chain at the wrong-way-to-carry-a-picture-frameback is loose, frayed or damaged and unless the retaining hangers or fixings are missing or loose, picture frames and photo frames ought always be carried by whatever hanging devices they were fitted with. That's why they're there for. The danger with carrying picture frames by their frames,  especially larger frames, is that doing this might break the framing tape, seal, "spring" open the backing   loosen, or upset the picture frame assembly, pop out the backing board, or, heaven forbid, move or allow the glass out of, or to fall out of the frame. This isn't an exaggeration. We've actually seen this happen a few times over the years, causing varying degrees of customer upset and heartache. That said, there are some people who specifically advise the opposite, and that is, never to carry picture frames by their hanging devices. Doing so, they say, places unreasonable stress on the fixings and these may fail as a consequences. We disagree. If this happens, then the picture framer may have made a faulty picture frame.  And, talking about lifting, carrying and handling picture frames, if there are any issues with the hanging,  it's better that this be this be discovered while carrying it rather than have it crash down while high on a house wall and possibly damaging furniture and~or inuring someone.  And seeing as you're reading about carrying picture frames, it might also interest you to read about hanging them, if so see our Picture Frames Hanging page. For quick, free quote on picture framing try our Picture Framing Prices Estimator. Thank you for reading this post "What's the best way of lifting, carrying and handling picture frames?"

2 thoughts on “What’s the best way of lifting, carrying and handling picture frames?

  1. Just saw this post this morning and I must say I agree with it. A few years ago we were moving house and my husband was loading all our photograph frames, oil panting frames, picture frames of which we have al ot in the hire truck. He was doing all right until he grabbed a large-sized, thin-framed, poster with glass from our lounge room. He grabbed it by the top bit of the frame like he did to all the others. When he took a bit of high step or small jump to get into the back of the truck, the framed poster bounced up. It then sort of shook open and the glass fell out. It broke on the ground and scratched the poster as it tumbled out. True story.

  2. Well, if the picture frame is solid, well-built, and if it is properly stapled, fitted up at the back, and sealed with good quality picture framing backing Kraft tape, then you can carry the frame by the top section. But if it is a thin, poorly built, unstapled and usealed at the back, then you should not, I guess. I can always tell if a photo frame or a picture frame has been made by a professional picture framer or not, and I will handle and treat the frame accordingly.

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