It's only a little while ago that we started noticing ourselves saying " Yes! We stock the big size frames!" more and more often to our Customers' calls, and so, here's this post! Now, we've always stocked " big
sizes" frames, for years, actually, but how come we're being asked this more frequently? Our theory is that is due mainly to two, important, factors. The first is that there are less and less of these variety stores and discount shops around. Many have simply stopped trading and closed down because their small business proprietors can't make enough money to pay expensive rents and high taxes, let alone paying themselves even a basic wage. The first factor is the easiest to ...
Picture Frames, Picture Framing and Picture Framers' Blog
Welcome to our weblog about picture framers, picture frames and picture framing. It is published with the goal to share information, knowledge, tips, ideas and opinions about this industry. All posts are grouped in the sections listed below. For help with orders, visit our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.
Entomology Shadow Boxes
Posted on Category: Ready-Made FramesAbout a year or so ago we began experiencing a renewed
interest and higher sales in our lovely wooden shadow box frames, and it wasn't until we started chatting with Customers that we learned that our increased sales were due to the new, local trend, and subsequent demand for, Entomology Shadow Boxes! And what are these exactly, you might say? Well, frames for bugs, or to display insects, invertebrates and even small creatures. It seems that this new craze is all about Customers wanting to buy 3-dimensional frames inside which are mounted spiders, scorpions ...
So you want a “gallery frame” ? What’s that?
Posted on Categories: Custom Picture Framing, Ready-Made FramesSo you want a gallery frame? Once more it was a Customer's inquiry that germinated the composition of this post. A city Customer rang us up and asked us for a price quotation for a "A0 size gallery frame".
We asked what she meant by "gallery frame" she replied that she didn't know but she thought we would know, hence this post. Well, the short and sweet is this: it's not a particular or specific size, colour, finish or framing style that makes a picture frame a gallery frame, but rather, how and where it's going to be used. If it's going to be stood on its easel on a desk or table, or hung on a wall its own, or just with another or couple of other frames, then it's not really a gallery frame.
A0 Picture frames: Who, What, When, Where and Why
Posted on Category: Ready-Made FramesWe get so many calls and inquiries about A0 picture, or poster, frames that we thought it it only fair to elucidate on the subject matter for the benefit of Customers,
visitors and readers. An approach as good as any to explain this subject might be: 'Who, What, Where, When and Why', to wit, the 'Five Ws' mnemonic verse which assists writers in fully and properly detailing, describing or explaining an event, happening. or story. Incidentally, the Five Ws aren't a modern invention. It would seem that it was an ancient Greek rhetorician, Hermagoras of Temnos, of around about 2,000 years ago who invented this popular aide-memoire.
Ready-Made frames for all the pictures your children create at kindy and school
Posted on Category: Ready-Made Frames
As picture framers we’ve come across this problem more than once and with lots of customers, mostly mums, hence this post "Ready-Made frames for all the pictures your children create at kindy and school . It can be a bit of problem because children can be so prolific and custom picture framing is relatively expensive. It’s quite common for the little darlings to come home waving their latest painting and asking you can you please, please, “put it up for them” for them? So how do you “put up” their art? Most school art is done on white newsprint or white butcher’s paper and nearly always in odd sizes. Further ...
What’s a good idea to save money on picture frames and picture framing ?
Posted on Category: Ready-Made Frames
How to save money on picture frames, you ask ? Simple! When you go online to buy your P.O.D. (Print on Demand) posters and prints, or you simply print your own photos, certificates or other art, do so in standard or common sizes, like the A series. These sizes are widely used and manufacturers make Ready-Made picture frames for them in bulk. These are much cheaper than custom picture frames or custom photo frames. The main reason why this is so is because these Ready-Made frames are mass-produced in their hundreds, if not thousands. While on this subject, please read our other, useful, money-saving tips and ...
What’s the main difference between Custom-Made and Ready-Made picture frames?
Posted on Category: Ready-Made Frames
The main difference between custom-made and ready-made picture frames is the price. Custom picture frames are made one at a time, usually with better-quality materials, to exactly suit and fit customer's artwork. Both labour and materials cost more so the price will be higher. Ready-made picture frames on the other hand, are produced in mass, often with common-quality materials, to approximately suit the 20 or so most common picture framing sizes. With regard to custom frames, the framer chooses each component of a ...