We have noticed that many of our picture framing Customers are thrifty, frugal and quite astute. Now, you too can double your picture framing dollars with matted picture frames when coming
to our factory to buy our photo frames and picture frames and save money. Our customers seem to want more bang for their bucks, more picture frames for what they want to spend. This is why we would like to divulge a relatively unknown, and somewhat underused, shopping strategy , and one way to do this is to buy our matted frames ; instead of normal frames. A matted frame is a photo frame, or a picture frame, that has a window mat inside its frame. Common matted photo fames comprise matted certificate frames, matted photo frames and matted poster frames. Below is an example of an 11"x 14” matted certificate frame with an 8"x10" window mat opening:

Right now, this matted picture frame costs $12.75, a very affordable price. And what is more attractive about this matted frames is that it can accommodate two size artwork. Adopted as it is, the matted frame will suit an A4 (21x29.7 cms) certificate, piece of paper, or artwork, which can be placed under its A4 window mat. In addition, with the very same frame, you can take its window mat out and use the frame to take and A3 (29.7x42 cms) document or artwork. Therefore, by doubling its potential use, you are also doubling the value of the picture frame and so you are getting more for your dollar. Below is another example of a common photo frame: A3 with an A4 size opening:

And below is yet another example of a common matted poster frame: A2 with an A3 opening:

The above examples are by no means complete or definitive, please visit our complete category of matted picture frames. It is also worth remembering that, with some matted frames, such as the A2 with an A3 opening, several different colour window mats may be selected. When ordering these frames, look for the drop-down menu just below the product price and view the four available colours, Cool White, Warm White, cream and Black. You can also mix and match for the same order so you can add 1 only A2 Black matted frame with a white mat, another 1 only A2 White matted frame with a black mat, and so on. An important point to remember when framing art, and especially photographs, is that art should always be matted, whenever possible, feasible and it the art warrants it. Particularly with photographs, it I always better to have a window mat over the photo rather than have the glass directly on top, touching it. The main reason for is that moisture and condensation may occasionally form under the glass. While this is relatively rare in Melbourne, though not unheard of, it occurs more often in the warmer, sub and semi-tropical climates of New South Wales and Queensland. Only last month, an old, medium-sized, framed colour photograph, circa 1984, was brought to us for re-framing. It belonged to a South African man whose son had died some years ago and it was particularly dear to the man. It showed the man, as young father, refereeing a children’s rugby match, with his young son racing out of a scrum and about to ground an exciting try. The photo had been cheaply framed and unfortunately on de-framing it, we found that it was firmly and permanently stuck to the glass all along its top half. When we informed the Customer, he became upset, because the photo meant a lot to him, and wanted to know why had this happened. We explained that, at some stage, moisture had formed under the glass, the photograph’s emulsion liquefied, and as is water-soluble, it melted and later dried to the glass. The photo was later successfully re-framed. However, we are certain that if the photo had been originally framed with a matted photo frame, the damage, and later heartache, would not have occurred. The moral lesson of this story is simple, whenever and wherever possible buy a matted photo frame, or matted picture frame for your document, print, poster, photo or other precious art. We hope you enjoyed our post "Double your picture framing dollars with matted picture frames"
I must agree with the suggestion that all photos should be picture framed under window mats. When I first got married years ago I put my wedding photos into cheap department store photo frames because I couldn’t afford proper custom picture frames. I then stored the photos in Brisbane and went overseas for work for 12 years. When I came back to Australia I took my framed photos back from storage because by then I’d got my own home and wanted to display them. My heart sank and I then cried when I got the photos back! All but one were stuck firmly to the glass and couldn’t be touched! Disaster!