The answer to the often asked question "do I have leave my print with you?" is, yes. Please do leave your picture, print, poster or photo (we call it artwork) with us. We need it to make a custom picture frame, put your artwork inside it, seal it, put the wire or cord and hand it do you. Some customers may be worried that their work is contracted out or framed elsewhere, but, with us at least, that's never been the case. All picture frames, photo frames or poster frames and all picture framing is done by skilled, experienced custom picture framers in house. Other customers may be concerned about artwork loss or damage by flood, fire or accident, though in nearly 40 years of making picture frames, we've never had a claim.
Still there have been a occasions where customers, for one reasons or another, have elected not to leave their artwork with us but have still wanted us to make picture frames. In these cases we simply measure the artwork, make all the components and then contact the customer. He or she then comes in with the artwork which we fit it quickly and on the spot, since we have all the picture frame components already made up.
However, as picture framers, our first priority in picture framing, is to make sure that whatever we frame for you will look nice, will suit the artwork and will please you, its owner. So, it's crucial that you don't delegate this task to us but that you participate and contribute with us in the framing consultation, which, incidentally, is part of the picture framing price. You'll have to take part and help in making a few decisions, like the window mat colour, the frame type, the mounting and suitable glazing (glass).
If a window mat ( the coloured cardboard that goes around a picture ) is needed we'll help you select the right colour, suitable texture and appropriate quality. Chances are that if your artwork is either outright valuable or of value to you, a conservation or museum mat will be needed. It will keep the glass away from artwork and stop any future moisture or condensation from spoiling or damaging your art. For the picture frame (or photo frame for that matter) itself, for many years the choice was between wood picture frames or metal frames.
This latter picture frame category has fallen out of favour in these last few years and many picture framers don't stock them any more. Wooden mouldings ( those long sticks of wood picture frames are cut from) nowadays have a chunky, square, matte finish look an either black, white, silver or dark browns. Needless to say, wood mouldings with any gold lines, lips, rebates or finishes have largely disappeared from framers' corner samples boards.
As far as the mounting method and materials are concerned, these are largely dictated by what is being framed. If, it's an original, a work on paper, an irreplaceable personal photograph, antique document or anything with any intrinsic, personal or monetary value then we'll most likely suggest hinging and using conservation or museum materials rather than wet or dry-mounting. This is so that the valuable art which is being framed is mounted reversible, in other words, it can be easily removed from the frame if need be.
And with regard to the glazing or type of glass which is required, again this will depend on what is being framed. If you artwork is valuable ( either commercially or even to you personally ) then conservation or museum glass will probably be needed. These types of glass have special coatings which block up to 98% of damaging ultra-violet (UV) rays. These are largely responsible for most of the fading and bleaching which occurs to most artwork.
If your art is ephemeral and not valuable, then either clear float glass or non-reflective or non-glare glass will do just fine. These are all important considerations which need your input, opinion and decision to ensure we carry out the best possible picture framing work for you. Helpful information on picture frames nd the terminology picture framers use in picture framing may be found in our Picture Frame Parts page. Thank you for reading this pots "I want a picture frame made up for my picture, do I have leave my print with you?"
Read what it says here about not having to leave my item with a picture framer to get a picture frame made up, but what about fabrics and embroideries? These materials need to be stretched, before being framed. Only after stretching, can a frame be made up, because the frame will need to be larger, owing to the now biggre fabric after stretching. I know because I love to stitch and I do a fair few cross-stitches and tapestries. I also hate leave my embroideries with framers. One moron framer "lost" a silk fabric of mine years ago, can you believe it? Anyway,can you guys advise?