Picture Frames, Picture Framing and Picture Framers' Blog
Welcome to our weblog about picture framers, picture frames and picture framing. It is published with the goal to share information, knowledge, tips, ideas and opinions about this industry. All posts are grouped in the sections listed below. For help with orders, visit our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.
We are cheap, we sell cheap picture frames and are proud of it. We're so comfortable with this that we've actually published up our
and picture frames prices on the web for the whole world to see! Check us out if you don't believe us, try our picture frames, photo frames and picture framing online Prices Estimator Do you know, there may about 3000-odd picture framers in Australia, but very few, may be about half a dozen or so, publicize their prices like we do. Most framers jealously guard their prices which ...
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It all depends on the type of picture frames and picture framing we have to do. For instance, discount pricing is available
for most of our cheap photo frames. Also, already heavily discounted, when compared to picture frames by other picture framers are our pre-made or ready-made cheap picture frames. Finally, our custom picture frames and custom picture framing can also be discounted on most occasions as detailed in our Discounts page. Alas wee need to say a few words of wisdom on quantity ...
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