Picture Frames, Picture Framing and Picture Framers' Blog
Welcome to our weblog about picture framers, picture frames and picture framing. It is published with the goal to share information, knowledge, tips, ideas and opinions about this industry. All posts are grouped in the sections listed below. For help with orders, visit our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.
What are Shadow Box frames? This post "Our five most popular shadow box frames questions" will address this and other questions. These specialized picture frames are essentially the same as normal picture frames but with
several different features. Firstly the moulding, or frame, is much deeper at its side. For instance a normal moulding could be 4cms wide x 2cms high. With shadow box mouldings the proportions are reversed so that it would be 2cms wide x 4cms high, thus giving frames that ‘boxy’ look.
As the frame is deeper, and since a window mat, glass and backing are quite thin, perhaps making up .5 cm of the ...
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At first glance this seems a trivial and unimportant question, hence this post "When at the framer’s, who should open up and remove prints and poster from mailing
tubes?. You go to your picture framer’s shop, or store, with your freshly-arrived, eBay or Amazon poster rolled up in a tube, you get it opened or unpacked, show it to the framer, and get it framed, what’s the problem? The problem is, what happens when the framer opens up the tube, removes your print or poster, and then presents you with damaged art? This necessarily begs the question, was the print or poster already packed in that state, or did the ...
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Certainly, not by lifting one by the top of the frame as the man is doing in the photo. Unless the string, cord, wire or chain at the
back is loose, frayed or damaged and unless the retaining hangers or fixings are missing or loose, picture frames and photo frames ought always be carried by whatever hanging devices they were fitted with. That's why they're there for. The danger with carrying picture frames by their frames, especially larger frames, is that doing this might break the framing tape, seal, "spring" open the backing ...
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Many of our Ready-Made frames are glazed not with clear glass but with what's known as 'plastic glass' or acrylic (clear plastic)
sheeting. This is common in the picture framing industry when shipping to customers larger frames so as to minimize transit damage or breakages. A question we are asked from time to time is how to clean the plastic glass or plexiglass of ready-made picture frames. The notes below should help customers wishing to know more on how to store, treat and clean this ...
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Most photo frames, poster frames, certificate frames and picture frames consist of a wooden frame and a pane
of glass. The picture frame moulding (frame) is often finely finished with gold or silver foils or leaves being a few micron ( very thin) thick. Many household cleaners contain ammonia, solvents and abrasives and shouldn't be used to clean frames lest the finish .. or colour of the frame come off accidentally. Perhaps the best way to keep a picture frame clean is to gently dust it regularly to prevent the dust and dirt ...
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To know what size photo frame or picture frame you should order, first make sure you have your artwork (photo, print, canvas, document, etc) with you so that you can measure it. While
this seems a little silly to suggest, it isn't. Many customers ring us up wanting picture framing quotes for prices. When we ask them what size their picture are many say that the don't know for sure. They say that they don't have the picture because they're just about to order it online or that they've just done so. It seem that customers either take it for granted or assume that the picture size they're getting online will be exactly as described or ordered....
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The answer to the often asked question "do I have leave my print with you?" is, yes. Please do leave your picture, print, pos
ter or photo (we call it artwork) with us. We need it to make a custom picture frame, put your artwork inside it, seal it, put the wire or cord and hand it do you. Some customers may be worried that their work is contracted out or framed elsewhere, but, with us at least, that's never been the case. All picture frames, photo frames or poster frames and all picture framing is done by skilled, experienced custom picture framers in house. Other customers may be ...
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Before you rush out buying floater frames just because all you friends seem to be doing so, please do read this post which endeavours to explain what
these newly-discovered picture frames are. The floater frame evolved from the 1950's picture framing "stripping" style. This style was an attempt to embellish and visually seal, or finish, the appearance of unframed oil paintings on canvas. This involved the fixing of thin wood strips or plywood trims, about 3 to 5mm thick, to the four, external sides of a stretcher frame. However, while this style of picture framing also known as 'Baguette" improved the appearance of the oil ...
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We are occasionally asked if we can fit Customer's new photos framed into some old picture frames they may have. The answer is yes, but this is conditional to the quality, soundness
and suitability of the picture frame to be re-used. To begin with, the picture frame, or photo frames being considered for recycling should be sound, solid, free from borers or other insect infestation. Its corners should be unsprung, that is, closed tightly without gaps or rocking or rolling. If any of the picture frame corners do move whilst being handled than the frame is said to to be "sprung". If so, it will then have to be dismantled and ...
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"Can I phone through a custom picture frame order" was a request we received last week? Sorry, no, we said, we would rather not do it. And we know this sounds crazy, but let us explain why. The main reason is that most
people aren't picture framers, they don't know how to measure for picture framing, they get the measurements wrong and then we may make picture frame that won't fit the artwork. When this happens, the customer blames us and either refuse to pay for the frame we just made or wants a new or "better" frame made up for free. This is a lose-lose situation for both customers and ourselves and that's why ...
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