Before discussing how to get a pastel ready for picture framing, we should explain what these are. Pastels and charcoals are drawn or painted with short sticks or chalks which are friable media. Friable means a powdery or crumbly and otherwise loose and unstable medium. In fact, if you happen to accidentally touch a pastel or charcoal, chances are that you will smudge it and that some of the medium will come off and stick to your hand. Therefore it is important to safeguard the artwork from accidental touching, smudging, other contact or pressure damage. If needing to temporarily store or transport ...
Picture Frames, Picture Framing and Picture Framers' Blog
Welcome to our weblog about picture framers, picture frames and picture framing. It is published with the goal to share information, knowledge, tips, ideas and opinions about this industry. All posts are grouped in the sections listed below. For help with orders, visit our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.
Help! My brand new window mat is all scuffed and dirty, how do I fix it?
Posted on Category: Custom Picture Framing"How can a window mat is all scuffed and dirty, how can I clean it" ? This is a question we often get asked from Customers who do their own picture framing or assemble their picture frames and photo frames. New window mats (also called window mounts) shouldn't get to Customers dirty or scuffed but occasionally this does happen. If you do get this problem, you have the choice of going back to the mat supplier and asking for a mat replacement or try to fix .. the problem yourself. This post will not address the former solution but the latter. When a window mat or matboard bears scuff ...
My friends are buying floater frames, what are these? Should I get one?
Posted on Category: Picture Frames FAQsBefore you rush out buying floater frames just because all you friends seem to be doing so, please do read this post which endeavours to explain what these newly-discovered picture frames are. The floater frame evolved from the 1950's picture framing "stripping" style. This style was an attempt to embellish and visually seal, or finish, the appearance of unframed oil paintings on canvas. This involved the fixing of thin wood strips or plywood trims, about 3 to 5mm thick, to the four, external sides of a stretcher frame. However, while this style of picture framing also known as 'Baguette" improved the appearance of the oil ...
Digital photo frames versus traditional photo frames, who’s winning?
Posted on Category: Picture Framing IndustryIn the contest of digital photo frames versus traditional photo frames the winner seems to be traditional photo frame. It wasn't that long ago, around the year 2000, that digital photo frames first appeared in Australia. We remember still the collective shiver Australian picture framers experienced when these first came onto the market. The world was, and still is changing fast. The computer, the internet, the world wide web have and are still continuing to, kill off entire industries. Older, established picture framers well remembered advertising behemoths like Yellow Pages to whom we slavishly bowed and paid tribute to every year. So if technological change has wiped out one of of the world's largest ...
Can I have my new prints and photos framed into some old picture frames I have?
Posted on Category: Picture Frames FAQsWe are occasionally asked if we can fit Customer's new photos framed into some old picture frames they may have. The answer is yes, but this is conditional to the quality, soundness and suitability of the picture frame to be re-used. To begin with, the picture frame, or photo frames being considered for recycling should be sound, solid, free from borers or other insect infestation. Its corners should be unsprung, that is, closed tightly without gaps or rocking or rolling. If any of the picture frame corners do move whilst being handled than the frame is said to to be "sprung". If so, it will then have to be dismantled and ...
Can I phone through a custom picture frame order and pick it from your store?
Posted on Category: Picture Frames FAQs"Can I phone through a custom picture frame order" was a request we received last week? Sorry, no, we said, we would rather not do it. And we know this sounds crazy, but let us explain why. The main reason is that most people aren't picture framers, they don't know how to measure for picture framing, they get the measurements wrong and then we may make picture frame that won't fit the artwork. When this happens, the customer blames us and either refuse to pay for the frame we just made or wants a new or "better" frame made up for free. This is a lose-lose situation for both customers and ourselves and that's why ...
Do you sell or make picture frames sourced from old, used or recycled timbers?
Posted on Category: Picture Frames FAQsDo we make picture frames sourced from old used or recycled timbers? Sorry, no. Recycled timber picture frames are sold in niche or specialist markets. Frames from old timbers are generally more expensive than normal, run-of-the-mill picture frames or photo frames. Typically, these specialised frames are only about 3~5 % of all sales and it's difficult to specialise in these and remain commercially profitable. If you look on the web you'll find some recycling picture framers not that many. There are several good reasons why this is so. The main one has to do with commercial profitability...
Can I custom frame my own picture frames or do my own picture framing at your store?
Posted on Category: Custom Picture FramingWe have had more than one Customer asking us if he or she can "do my own picture framing" our premises and unfortunately the answer is, always no. While we certainly would have the requisite knowledge and experience, supervising D.Y.O. students and conducting classes is not what we do. One of the reasons for this is that we do not believe that picture framing classes, or teaching D.Y.O. picture framing, are viable commercial propositions, nowadays. Certainly 30, 20, even 10 years ago this business model did work, but not today. The average Customers today is very much time-poor and has better things to do than to spend time and money trying to make ...
Does your picture framing customer service include ringing Customers when their work is ready?
Posted on Category: Custom Picture FramingWe are occasionally asked if part of our picture framing customer service is to ring Customers when we have completed their picture frames. We reply that we generally do so only when a Customers requests it because for the majority of picture framing jobs, there's no need to. When you bring your print, photo poster or artwork to be picture framed we will always give you a pick-up or a collection date. This applies to 98% of all framing jobs. We find that this system works better for both Customers and ourselves. The only exceptions are special jobs requiring special treatment, different handling or ...
There don’t seem to be any more art galleries around, where have they all gone?
Posted on Category: Picture Framing IndustryThey're not there any more because they've gone bust, broke, closed their doors and the owners have shut the business down! From the once rich, booming, westernmost capital city of Perth to the staid, conservative, southernmost capital city of Hobart, art galleries are going out of business as perhaps these never have. There are several reason for this but, in the main, there aren't enough customers, people aren't buying as often and the few who do spend a lot less than they used to. Perth gallery owners complain ...