Picture Frames, Picture Framing and Picture Framers' Blog

Welcome to our weblog about picture framers, picture frames and picture framing. It is published with the goal to share information, knowledge, tips, ideas and opinions about this industry. All posts are grouped in the sections listed below. For help with orders, visit our Help and FAQs or use the Contact page.

About our News Blog

We have been picture framing for a long time, since the late 1970's. Back then, Malcom Fraser was our Prime Minister and 200,000 or more Asian migrants and boat people were settling here, helping to make Australia multiracial and multicultural. This was a long time ago. In those days, the picture framing industry was adolescent, fit, strong, healthy and growing all the time. Now, around half a century later, the once youthful industry is sadly decrepit.

It is moribund, impotent and almost infirm but the infirmity is not due to ageing or industrial decrepitude. Rather, it slowly became so because of global, technological, economic and political events and circumstances beyond its ken and control. By and large, the competitiveness engendered by the internet, the dismantling of import duties and tariffs, and our high domestic wages, disproportionate to those of our leaner, meaner and hungrier competitors, have all contributed to the slow strangulation and destruction of our local industry.

Sure, there are still isolated, scattered, tenacious survivors, like ourselves, but your local street, or shopping centre picture framer has pretty much disappeared. This is because, and in the main, our Customers find our locally-made products and services too expensive. Alas, we have outsmarted ourselves. We kept awarding ourselves such high wages for so long that now, most Customers cannot afford our picture frames and our framing factories have all closed down. Vale, Australia Picture Framers!

Nevertheless, and during all these years, experiences were gathered and lessons learnt, about picture frames, picture framing and our industry, such as it once was. Rather than forsake these rich legacies of small business and suburban manufacturing histories to become unremembered and be forgotten, we have retrieved and curated these here, under the mantle of this News Blog of posts, or blogs. Enjoy!

The Duty of Care conundrum

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The motive for publishing this post conferring about the Duty of Care ( hereinafter abbreviated to DoC ) conundrum arose after yet another picture-framing-duty-of-careincident at our factory outlet some weeks past. To begin with, let's describe the contretemps.  A young couple visited our store wanting to buy four of our A2 Natural Ready-Made frames for the prints they had with them.  We duly showed them the frames they were looking for, which, by the way, were glazed with clear glass, not plastic.  The couple liked the frames and paid for them. They then blurted out that they were in a hurry and that they ...

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The cheap plastic glass fallacy

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We have been picture framing for close to half a century and we have come across much disinformation and many fallacies where custom picture scratched-plastic-glaze-in-a-picture-frameframing is concerned. Perhaps the most persistent fallacy is the widespread and popular misconception that glazing ( the covering of framed artwork with a transparent or see-though material ) with 'Plastic Glass', 'Perspex' , 'Plexiglass', a clear plastic, or an acrylic pane  is  a cheaper more convenient and better alternative than glazing  with clear float glass.  Alas, and in our lengthy and not inconsiderable  experience ...

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I’m from Europe and confused about the “inches” frame sizes, what are these?

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In order to buy the correct picture frame for that print or photo you that have,  you will need to know what its size it is first.  A5x7-black-photo-frame-matted-to-4x6nd to know what size it is, you'll have to measure it even if these are in "inches" frame sizes instead of the more familiar, centimetres.  Thing is, if you're from Europe, schooled and grown up with centimetres and decimetres, you would always have measured everything in decimetres, centimetres or millimetres.  So when you go to buy and look for photo frames or picture frames, and you find a lot of them still labelled in Imperial sizes such as 8"x10" or 11"x14", chances are that you'll be a little confused.  After all Australia is supposed to be a metric country, right, so what's going on? ..

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I’m new to PictureFrame.com.au, how does this picture frames website work?

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Our picture frames website is all about about picture frames, photo frames, poster frames,  picture framing and picture framers. broadly speaking, It offers customers two kinds of picture framibrowsing-at-online-picture-framesng. The first is  ready-made picture frames and the second,  custom picture frames.  The site provides visitors and shoppers with information to help them decide which of these two kinds of picture frames could best suit their needs.  Of the many factors that Customers will and do consider when choosing a picture frame, in our experience, is price. It has always been and will always be,  the foremost one in people's minds. 

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How to frame Indian Silk Paintings

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 Wiki-Knowledge-article-iconAh! Indian Silk Paintings! We would be quite surprisedframed-indian-silik-painting if anyone did not know of them or about them. Certainly, we, as picture framers are  well acquainted with these works of art, or at least, their facsimili.  Bold, beautiful, elaborate, colourful, intricate and highly detailed, exuding, if not dripping, in and with timeless Muslim, Buddhist, Hindus, Muslim, Jain and Sikh traditions, folklore, fairy tales and storytelling .  Alas, let's begin by the stating the obvious, Indian silk painting refers to paintings painted on silk, muslin, very thin cotton or cloth. The  silk fabric, called Paat in eastern India, Pattu in southern India and Resham in  northern part, is a natural, organic, fibre made from  the mulberry silkworm ...

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Mounting boards versus Mat boards explained.

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Wiki-Knowledge-article-iconLike all occupations and professions, picture framing has its own specific terms, vocabulary, acid-free-matboard-offcuts taxonomy and nomenclature.  This is not surprising considering that one of the oldest picture frames ever made  was  found in Egypt and is thought to  date back to at least  2,500 years ago.  So far as Australia goes, at least some, picture frames, picture framing  workers and artisans first arrived to Australia with the coming of the 1st Fleet in way back in 1788.  Inheriting from the traditions  of the mother country, Australians both borrowed and inherited the British picture framing vocabulary form the old country.  One of these was the locution of a specific component of a picture frame, namely the ... 

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Do you sell to the public?

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Wiki-Knowledge-article-iconAbout twice a month for umpteen years, we have fielded many telephone calls often heralded by the now familiar customers-buying-picture-frames question, "Do you sell to the public? ".  The short answer is yes, in fact, we always have, for many years. Retail only, never wholesale. Thus, we doth ponder, why the question?  Most likely, this all harks back to the "old" days when retailers and wholesalers were quite ran and operated as distinct and disparate entities. Shopkeepers kept their shops retailing directly to the public and wholesalers ran factories to only wholesale to their shopkeeper customers. In this traditional, but rapidly fading commercial or business model,  wholesalers, or distributors, were ...

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Should I really be getting get my souvenir Asian painting stretched and then framed?

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We generally say, no, you don't really need to get your Asian painting stretched and then framed .  Frequently, when they vimitation-of-original-oil-paintingisit us, they say that they have just returned from an Asian holiday, from Bali, Thailand or India. They tell us that they have  a valuable, original, often large oil painting that needs framing. Frequently, they seem to have been regaled with tall tales of the worth of the paintings  they have bought.  They appear to believe, or are under the impression, that their oil painting is quite valuable and that it  should be stretched first and then framed.

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Best Unsung Hero Ever: The backing board

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Wiki-Knowledge-article-iconWhy write about picture frame backing boards?  Truth be known, we were scratching for ideas for this month's post. We asked the lads for suggestions for a new post but most told Picture-frame-backingus that they felt that we must have written just about everything there is to know about picture frames. And that seemed to be so until someone asked about backing boards, had we ever written anything about them? The answer was in the negative, and do, here we go, let's discuss backing boards, the kinds used in picture framing to make picture frames.  To begin with, and so far as the picture framing occupation is concerned, backing boards, backer boards, back boards, backs and and backings are all synonyms of the same ...

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What’s inside a picture frame?

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Yes, " What’s inside a picture frame? is one of the questions we get asked fairly frequently.  The wordinthe-components-inside-a-picture-frame.jpgg of the question can change from person to person but Customers want to know the same thing.  And this is because they are curious of the components of a frame and the  names of the parts of  a picture frame.  We may get asked:“What do you put at the back?” , or: “What will you put my picture on?” and even: “Will you make something so that my picture won’t fall off?”, and so on and so forth. The reason this question gets asked is because people know that a thin piece of paper like a poster can’t hold up by itself and wonder what and how it is being ...

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